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I hear screaming from down the hall. It sounds like...MAKI oh no is she okay?did Kokichi mess with her too much? I need to find out! I run the hall and open the door that leadhs into maki lab. "You idiot just shut up" maki yells. "But maki rolllll" Kokichi whines. They fight so more until I say "guys I could hear you down the hall." They turn to me. Kokichi chuckles and maki turns red. "Sorry shuichi" she say quickly and turns around. I raise a brow and walk over to her. "Maki are you okay you seem red and more awkward then usually no offense" I say tapping her. She flinches and turns to me "I'm fine" she says. "I don't believe that" I say. "OOOO the couple is in a fight OOOO" Kokichi says. Maki shoots her head towards him and sends him a death glare. I blush crazy. Maki trys to walk over to him but I grab her wrist. "Don't he's just teasing like a baby" I say pulling her towards me slowly. She blushes and shakes her head. I blush after what I did.

Let's say the rest of the day me and maki hanged out plus Kokichi.

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