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" Come on maki at least try to get along with my friends you never do" The blonde girl yelled out. "No there fucking rude to me and I hate there guts" the brown haired girl yelled back. Kaede and Maki have gotten into a fight. Kaede was on the verge of tears while maki was on the verge of yelling her lungs out. Kaede kept yelling at maki while maki stayed quiet until. "Ugh would you just shut the fuck up about your dumb precious fucking friends god damnit kaede why can't you just listen to me and what I feel you bitch" maki screamed out. Kaede looked up with guilt hitting her like a huge rock. The other girls face was feeled with pure sadness and anger. She was red and breathing hard. Tears eascped maki's eyes as she broke down in front of her girlfriend. "Oh maki" kaede said rushing to her. She sat down on the floor next to her lover. She pulled her close to her and hugged her tightly. She kissed her hear and rubbed her leg. "I'm sorry maki I really am can you forgive me please love" kaede said. Maki shook her head up and down. They sat there for at least two hours and snuggled up together.

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