𝒯𝑒𝓃; 𝒩𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉𝓂𝒶𝓇𝑒

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Diluc turned to face the fire while closing his book. "I... I didn't want to you catch a cold. I promise I tried my best not to look."

"I-It's fine. You had my best interest in mind... Though it's a little embarrassing I'll admit." You put your knees to your chest and rest your head on them. 

It was still raining pretty hard out, but the warm atmosphere had calmed you down. Though even with blanket covering you and the fire place providing you with even more heat, you were still a little cold.

"How are you feeling? Is there anything I can get for you?" Diluc asked.

"Oh, uh, I think I'm good..." You didn't want to be anymore of a bother than you had been.

"You think? Well, if you're sure. But if you think of something let me know."

You both sat in silence for a little bit. You started feeling a little hungry, so you decided to take a nap to see if it would go away. You wouldn't mind some more of Dilucs food. But he looked so comfortable cozied up next to the fire reading his book. So tranquil.

You heard your stomach growl as soon as you closed your eyes. You prayed Diluc didn't hear it. 

"Are you hungry? I can make you something to eat if you want." He stood up from his chair and kneeled down next to you.

His face was so close. If you leaned forward just a little bit...

"Uh- yeah. If you wouldn't mind?" 

'Too close.' You thought.

"Sure, what do you want?" 

"Mondstadt hash browns please." They were your favorite. 

"Coming right up. In the mean time, try to get some rest. I'll wake you up when it's ready." He stands up and walks away.

You lay there trying to keep your eyes open. But you couldn't. You let the darkness consume you.


You found yourself in a dark room. The only thing you could see was your breath. It was cold. You heard the all too familiar screams of your past. They were haunting you, even now. You lost control of your breathing until you couldn't anymore. You were gasping for air, hoping you could get the tiniest bit. Just a little breath was all you needed to keep from passing out.

"Y/N!" You heard your name being called. Where was it coming from?

You tried navigating out of the dark cold place you were in. Your arms outstretched in front of you to keep you from running into a wall, if one ever came.

"Y/N!" There it was again, though a little louder this time.

You felt your whole body shake. You couldn't stop it. You felt your foot bump into something. When you look down you see it... 


You wake up to see Diluc next to you grabbing your shoulders with a panicked look on his face. As you examined his expression, you felt something hot drip down your cheek. You reached your hand and felt it. It was a tear. You were crying. 

Once you realized what had happened you started bawling. You couldn't help it. 

Once Diluc saw this, he wrapped his arms around you. As if to tell you 'It's alright. Everything will be okay.'

He had one hand tightly wrapped around your back, while the other was firmly holding the back of your head. His warmth was so comforting. You were no longer cold. You hugged him back and buried your head into the crook of his neck. 

You both sat there until he knew you had stopped crying. He pulled you away from him.

"If you're still hungry the hash browns are ready. Though they might need re-heated if you're okay with that." He doesn't break eye contact with you.

You nod. "Yes, thank you."


Authors Note:

I'm so sorry for this chapter. First of all I had no idea where this story was/is going. Second of all I'm really sorry that this is so late, school started the day after the last chapter so I've been busy. I'm also kinda sick (not covid) so that's fun. So that's why this chapter kinda sucks. I'm not sure I should even post this but I feel like I need to give you readers a new chapter. But yes, I hope you're content with this chapter for now.

ALSO, sorry for the angst, I feel like I needed more spice in this story. And thank you for over 400 views! 

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