4: Tonight's the night

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Amira's POV

I put Joey to bed and told my family to follow me to the meeting area, I left Bryan behind because in case a human would try and get Joey he would be there for him and the eggs.
Arrived to the meeting area I saw one of our leaders, Kayla waiting for everyone to arrive, Kayla might not be the strongest monster, but she's well respected for her great capability of guiding and being a good leader in general, she's also a great listener, I mean, it's understandable, she's an elf after all.

"Welcome everybody, thank you for joining us tonight, I see that we have new faces." She said, then she looked around and noticed that Bryan and other monsters were not here this time
"And I sadly noticed that some were not able to come here..." A lot of monsters begun to look at their feet.

"What happened?" Kayla asked, and some monsters said, one by one, their story and how their loved ones got killed or taken away, not too long after they joined the Silver Ashes tribe who got recently captured by the human kingdom.
A few hours passed and I heard wings flapping in the distance, that's until I saw a dark blue/grey pair of wings in the sky, it was our second tribe leader, Mario, him and Kayla are together, he landed on the tall rock, next to the tall elf.

"Hello, sorry for being late, but I have some inconveniences along the way, me and Kayla decided to call a meeting because we have some good and bad news, the good news is that me and Kayla have a child now." As soon as he said that everyone, including me, let out a cheerful scream, but then he continued

"The bad news is that we'll be moving in a more secluded area, hopefully where the humans won't come anytime soon, and since this tribe is way too big, we'll go back and forth to bring everyone with us, we'll start to transfer everything tomorrow." Everyone nodded.

"That's all for today, now you're all dismissed, stay safe, everyone." Mario said

"And good luck." Kayla added.

Inpu's POV

We went back to the cave area, and we noticed that the air was fresher is some parts, so we stopped searching the what seemed an abandoned den, and started following the odd fresh trail.

20 minutes later...

"Magnus look!" I said, they looked in my direction and saw the den I was looking at and ran towards it.

"Hey there is something in here!" They yelled, even tho they were trying to be as much quiet as possible, I ran next to them and saw a reptile-like creature guarding a certain part of the den, it didn't notice us at first, but then it looked at use with his bright red eyes and growled.

"What are you humans doing here?! Leave!" The monsters yelled, it got up and we saw it's white and toxic green scales glowing, they were the same as the ones we found!

"Magnus you know what to do." I whispered in their ear, they nodded and passed me my gun that I use to knock out monsters with.

"What are you doing with that!?" The creature asked, but as soon as it realized that we were not going to answer it crawled on the ceiling and got out of a window.

Bryan's POV

I got out of the window and jumped behind the intruders, I was about to attack one of the two, but the one I assume is a male turned around amd kicked me in the stomach, making me yelp and back up, I created as much myst as I could, so that they wouldn't be able to run away, I had the chance to kill, not one human, but two, I got up in my fighting position and roared as loud as I could, alarming everyone around, and possibly waking up Joey too, I jumped, but the male shot me in the leg making me fall, I yelped for the pain, I was on the ground and I saw my blood glowing of a bright green in the moonlight.

Inpu's POV

I watched as the monsters in front of us fell and yelped, I saw Magnus getting the gun ready and pointing it at the monster's neck, they were able to say something, just before Magnus pulled the trigger.

"W- wait don't do it!" It said, but as soon as it finished saying that Magnus pulled the trigger and knocked it out, and the myst disappeared, we were pretty close to our base actually, which would have made things a lot more easier for us.

"We did it! We found a new species!" Magnus said, I smiled and walked towards the creature to pick it up.

"Yeah, yeah we did." I picked up the monster, it's skin was softer that I imagined, it was light as a as feather and beautiful, but I couldn't stay there and look at it, I needed to bring the creature back to the base and put it in the cage we prepared.

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