how I met your mother (Han jisung)

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Y/n pov

I finally finished my work and looked at my watch. 11:15pm it read. My car is broke which means I had to walk back home. I gathered my things and walked out of the building only to find that its raining. I was so busy working I didn't notice that it started raining. I sighed and checked my bag if I had an umbrella luckily I did. I opened the umbrella started walking. I needed to buy some groceries so I stopped by the convenience store and grabbed everything I needed. I payed and exited. On my way I found a little hot chocolate shop preparing to close. I was cold so I grabbed one hot chocolate and continued walking. I know its dangerous to be walking alone at night but I've got nothing to lose. I continued walking till I came across the little park near my neighborhood. I was about to walk away but I noticed someone sitting on the bench. The streetlight beside him lit up his face. I walked a bit close and looked at it and he looked gloomy. His cheeks were red maybe from cold. His eyes were red too. Maybe he was crying. He was wet from the rain which indicated that he's been sitting there for a long time. He didn't see me yet. I would've left but then I heard a muffled sob. He really has been crying. I walked upto him and put forward my umbrella a little enough to cover both of us. He looked up at me. At first I just wanted to ask what happened but when I looked into his eyes I saw something that made want to help. I smiled a little and said "I don't know what happened but don't sit here in the rain you'll catch cold."

Han jisung pov

I was at work when I got a call from an unknown number. I picked up the call and what I heard next shocked me. My best friend died in a car accident. I left everything and ran to the hospital. I was a crying mess. I stayed there with his family for sometime and left as soon as I could. I couldn't bear to see him. I was sad. I didn't want to go home so I was wandering around in the old neighborhood where we used to live as kids. I came across the park in which we used to play. I was sitting in the little park looking back at the memories when it started raining. I was too sad to be bothered by that. I started crying as the memories of our childhood flashed infront of me. The rain kept pouring. I was cold too but I still didn't want to go home. I was lost in my thoughts when someone came up to me. She offered me her umbrella and gave me a warm smile. I could do nothing but just stare at her with awe. 

"Hey! You okay? Why are you sitting here in the rain?" You asked. He snapped out of his thoughts and replied "Its nothing, I just had a bad day." "Do you live nearby?" You asked and he shook his head as a no. "Would you like to come over at my house? You'll catch cold if you sit here in the rain."  You said. His eyes shone as he looked at you. "Is it okay.. I mean I'm a stranger. Are you okay with letting me come over?" He questioned. You answered with a smile. "Yeah its okay. I trust you." He was still confused. He was too confused to ask anything and followed you without any questions. 

*time skip* 

You entered your house. You went ahead and threw him a towel. "The bathroom is there." You pointed in the direction of the bathroom. "Take a shower I'll find you some clothes." He did as you said. You found some clothes that would fit him and put it on the stand and went ahead to make some dinner. You finished making dinner and was serving it when he came out after shower. "Have a seat. I made us dinner." You said and sat on the chair. He sat opposite to you."What's your name?" You spoke breaking the silence. "Han jisung." He said in a low tone. "I'm y/n." You said and continued eating. "Why did you help me?" He asked and you looked up at him. "How could you trust a complete stranger like this? What if I was a dangerous person?" He said slightly raising his voice. You looked down and sighed. "But you're not." You said with slowly. "What would have you done if I was?" He yelled. "I knew you were not." You said looking straight into his eyes. You could feel fear, worry and confusion in him. "What!? You can read people's mind or something?" He said. He sounded annoyed. You closed your eyes and gave him a reassuring smile. "No but it is something like that." He looked at you with questioning face. "Well, a person can lie but their eyes won't. All emotions and thoughts of a person can be seen in their eyes. If you're skilled enough you can tell what a person's nature is or what they are thinking easily."you said. He laughed at your words. "You are funny." He said and then with a serious tone he continued. "Look! You know what you're just too innocent. People are not what they seem the emotions you see in their eyes are not always true." "And what about you. Did I make a mistake about you too? You're not a bad person. You're kinda lost, confused and worried. You're sad about something. Your eyes they say that you've lost something that was important to you or maybe someone.  They look troubled. They look sad. They don't have a shine. They look.....worried. Tell me why is it that you're worried about a stranger." You said calmly. He gave a confused look. "Is everything I said was wrong?" You asked. "N-no. But how do you know? How do you know everything even though we met for the first time?" He said and broke down. I stood up and went to sit beside him. I put my hand on his shoulders to comfort him. He kept crying and in between the sobs he spoke "You asked me earlier what happened. I said I had a bad day. Well that's not the case. Today my best friend died in an accident. I didn't want to go home and therefore was sitting in that park. It was a place full of memories for me. I felt lonely. No one would ever talk to me and be my friend. He was the only friend I ever had. He was always there for me. But now he's gone..." You hugged him and stroked his hair to comfort him. He kept on crying. After an hour or so he stopped and looked at you. "Feeling better?" You asked. He nodded. You wiped his tears. His eyes were red and puffy. He looked at you with his doe eyes. You smiled. "You must be tired. Let's go sleep." You said and stood up to go clean the dishes. But he held your wrist and stopped you. "Why did you help me?" He asked. You looked at him and spoke "Cause I wanted to. I don't usually offer help to a stranger but you felt different and that's why I decided to help you. You can say I was curious." You chuckled. He pulled you into a hug. "No one has ever been this kind to me. After my bestfriend you're the only person who's been this kind to me. Thank you for helping me. Thank you for comforting me when I needed it the most." He let go of the hug and looked at you. "I was worried about you cause you just trusted a stranger. Not everyone who's looks miserable is in grief. Don't trust just anyone." He said. "I'm not that stupid. As I said I know who's lying. I'm not as innocent as I look. Don't worry." You said. 

"And that's how I met her." Jisung said and looked at his watch. Your flight was a little late and your husband and 5 year old son were waiting for you at the airport. "Woah... mommy is so cool." Sejin said. He smiled and said "I know right." "Daddy look mommy is here." He said and ran towards you. You hugged him happily and lifted him. Jisung came to you and pecked yours and sejin's forehead. He took your luggage and all of you headed home.

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