Chapter 2

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The bright sunlight seeped in through the canopy of trees gracing the green grass at the foot of nature, the scorching heat of the sun barely doing any harm to the tender grass because of the protection of the large trees as of shrouding them from...

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The bright sunlight seeped in through the canopy of trees gracing the green grass at the foot of nature, the scorching heat of the sun barely doing any harm to the tender grass because of the protection of the large trees as of shrouding them from the unannounced danger yet unaware and helpless at the danger that might attack the tenderness of the grass from among them.

A young boy practiced with one eye closed focused on the target that he graved with a stone on the tree trunk. He had no weapon in his hand, it was just his eyes and the target as he practiced focusing, avoiding all other disturbances from the outer world. For him, it was just his target that existed in his small globe he created.

"Go bhrata go! Just a few more!" The song of chirping birds were intruded by another shrill voice of a young boy which went unheard just by Arjun. He cheered his brother who tried keeping a count of his push ups while his younger brother cheered for him who was sitting on his back, enjoying the little swing which gave him thrill.

"A few more bhrata! You are doing just great!"

"Nakul, get off his back. You might hurt his muscles. He has been doing push ups since long." A much calmer and mature voice silenced the excited one as he started unknotting the bundle their mothers gave for lunch.

"Come everybody. It's time for lunch. After that we have to go and help father collect wooden logs. He will be tired by the time he comes back from the farms." he pointed out and fished out the stack of chapatis along with white butter and five pieces of jaggery.

"Just a few minutes bhrata. I'm ten push ups away from hitting the two hundered mark." Bheem's voice came strained as the sweat beads fell on the muddy arena he made specially for his training.

Yudhishthir looked around to find someone missing from the spot, someone who's absence is noticed rarely because of his calm silent nature. Yet, he never goes unnoticed. He spotted a familiar silhouette at the far corner which was curtained by the bushes. He sighed and got up, wiping his hands with the uttariya.

With slow and careful steps, he reached the young and fragile boy who was busy with his piece of art. Sitting on the stone with his chin resting upon his knees, his eloquent eyes moved along with his hand that held the twig, drawing what came to his ever unrested mind. Yudhishthir's presence went unnoticed which was not shocking at all. His youngest one has a habit of getting lost in his own dream land that was away from all the chaos unaware that his mind was a chaos on a different level.


The small fingers left the twig abruptly and the little boy couldn't help but gasp at the sudden invasion of his privacy that he never welcomed but looking at his brother, he maintained a smiling face. Not that he hated his brother or had some feud with him, he just loved his little personal space where he hardly welcomed anyone. He loved spending some part of the day alone and rest of the day which was almost entire day with his brothers. But his time was supposed to be his.

He relaxed and looked back at the strokes he made on mud as poked the little grass besides the stone with his special artisan brush.

"Yes. It's Kaalpurush."

"Did you manage to find it last night?" His brother asked trying to take interest in his younger brother's area of interest.

"No I couldn't. Pitaji said that Kaalpurush is generally spotted in winters."

"Then you will have to wait for a few more months my dear brother." He gently patted his brother's bare shoulder who hummed in response.

"You know Kaalpurush constellation reminds me of you." He muttered while he tried to draw similarities between his drawing of the constellation and his father's description of the constellation.

"Really? Why so?" Yudhishthir asked intrigued by his brother's theory.

"Kaalpurish basically represents the story where Kartikeya bhagwan killed the demon Tarkasur. Lord Kartikeya's weapon is also a spear and so is your favorite one is a spear." His ivory teeth showed as he smiled at his brother, slightly proud of his conclusion and hoping that hid brother would like it too.

"That's amazing. I didn't know this about Kaalpurush. Will you tell me more about it after lunch?" Yudhishthir asked while both of them got up to head for lunch. He always tried to talk to the youngest one so he isn't left behind for being the quiet one and for having a peculiar taste.

"I hope you know your mamashree is coming in a few days. Are you excited to meet him?" The two brothers heard Arjun ask Nakul as the reached them.

The five of them sat in a circle around the bundle of their fruits and a few fruits that they picked in a few minutes.

"I am pretty excited to meet them you know. I heard he is the king of Madra. He will get us gifts. It will be so amazing!" Nakul exclaimed as his big eyes shone with excitement.

"He will also bring so many delicacies and sweets for us." Bheem exclaimed and Nakul agreed to him whole heartedly.

"That would be great. Our taste buds will get something good at least for a few days." Arjun added earning a chuckle from Bheem and Nakul.

"No talking while eating." Yudhishthir's voice silenced all of them. He was afraid that if any of his parents heard those words of their brothers, it would hurt them and make them feel that they are depriving their kids of a good life. He couldn't curb their brothers' curiosity and questions as why they had to live like this even after being princes. But honestly, he had no answers to them.

He glanced at his youngest one who was quiet the entire time,munching on his jaggery and chappati. Looking at the innocent and young boy always gave him peace and filled him with a sense of protectiveness, a bit extra than he had for his other brothers. He smiled and patted his head gently earning a look of confusion but a curve of his brother's lips at the adoration of his elder brother.

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