Kiyomi Yoshida

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Ohayo! This is just MY characters description, Kitty will upload hers :3 Vote, Comment, Fan ENJOY! :D ~ElisiaOotori

---> That over there is the anime version of the character after they get sucked in :D

Name: Kiyomi Yoshida

Gender: Female

Height: 5'4

Age: 17

Hair color: Originally Brown, died it pink.

Eye Color: Pink, originally brown but wears eye contacts

Likes: Cake, anything Scary or Gory, anime, Manga, Honey (Character) Playing the guitar

Dislikes: The dark, Sour stuff, Awkward silence, Being interrupted, Being hit, Losing, Loud annoying people.

Description: She is on the short side on height, she is very pale and likes to keep it that way. She is pure Japanese but she knows no Japanese what so ever. She has an average bust size of 36" Inches

Personality: She is very bitter, sarcastic, rough towards strangers and Sweet, talkative, Hyper towards close friends, Very overly protective of her friends, She will kick your ass when messed with, She is very shy and nervous when she is around the person she likes, she likes to help people when she can, She gets paranoid a lot.

Bio:Kiyomi was born in Kyoto, Japan, her parents are dead so she lives with her best friend Natsumi Shika, She grew up with the language English so by the time she was able to learn Japanese she was too lazy to learn Japanese. When she was 10 when her parents and her little sister were still alive they got in a car wreck both parents and 4 Year old sister died in the wreck, ever since the wreck she blames herself for forgetting to buckle up her sister and make sure she was safe, she has self esteem issues and is often depressed. She results to watching anime and manga and is a hardcore otaku, along side Natsumi. When people ask her where her parents are, she says that they abandoned her when she was little. She dyes her hair often to the color pink and likes to wear pink eye contacts, she looks like her mom without the contracts and Dye so she doesn't like the constant reminder about her mistake and parents death. She loves astronomy and hopes to be an astronomer when she graduates.

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