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Get ready for hell guys
What's that supposed  to mean?
We all stare as the man walks up to us, the heel of his shoes clicking on the marble floor as he slowly approaches us. 

He stands before us, neatly puts his hand behind him in civilized manner and says,"My name is Dimitri Gendolez, and you are all working for me now.".

He signals the man, "Luke,  get me their files", Luke walks slowly to Dimitris desk to get a stack of files and hands it to him.

"Remove the chains", Dimitri says without looking up from the files, Luke's eyes go wide and he questions Dimitris decision,"But...",

"I said chains. off. now", Lukes walks unlocks the chains from our wrists. One by one he disconnects us, and when we are all free, Dimitri hands us our own file.

"Luke will brief you on why you are here what you are going to do", Autumn opens her mouth, but Dimitri raises a hand at her and silences her,  " You will be paid 1 million dollars each, if you cooperate", my eyes pop out of my head. 

1million, oh my goodness.

"Luke take them to their quarters", as we start to shuffle to move Dimitri speaks again.
"Hold on Lilian and James wait for them outside",

They leave and we're left alone with Dimitri.

"Von has put a serum in you that will help you in the mission, your friends however weren't as fortunate", he walks up to me and deletes the space between  us then holds my chin,
"I'll double your money if you get me another one", he whispers in my ear.
I yank my chin out of his grasp.

James looks at us with confusion.

"Another what.", I don't know what we are even going to look for.

"You will know when Luke tells you",

"James, you also have the serum, so I expect both of you to come out with more than one and don't tell anyone else".

he takes a few steps away from us and points at the door

"You can go now", I don't need to be told twice, I quickly speed walk to the door and exit the room with James closely behind me.

James stares at me and I just shrug it off.
Outside the door stand Luke and the others, "Follow me guys", we go to the elevator.
"I don't think we can fit dude", Julian says with a chuckle.

Luke smirks "You want to take the stairs then?", Julian nods
"It's a long way up, but okay,  let's walk it", he says mischievously.

We walk to the stair case and we are cursing Julian with everything  we got.
James is he first to hit Julian's head.

"Looks like a million stairs!", Kate shoots Julian daggers it's her eyes. 

"You just had to open your mouth", I say to Julian.

He scratches the back of his head and walks to the elevator.
"I think we should  take this one, I don't know why Luke thinks it's a good I dead to take the stairs ", Julian says while dramatically hitting his head calling Luke stupid.

"You know what, I think the stairs is a great idea", Luke says, William and Autumn look like they are ready to kill Luke. 

He starts climbing and motions us to follow him.

They start following in defeat while I trail behind.

"Are we going to do it", I stiffen slightly at the voice.

James appears beside me, and for the first time since I've known him, which is only like a few hours, I saw him

Like I actually saw him, his eyes aren't red like the others, he doesn't look as sick as the rest us. 
This skin has a little more colour but his eye are unnaturally blue,  icy blue. 

"We can decide to do it or not", I say as I walk the stairs.

"But what exactly  are we looking for and where are we going", I ask, he shake his head and says

"We need to know that first, then we can move from there". He increases his pace so he was with the others.

I do so as well and join them.

I can hear the groan escape Autumns lips as we move forward.
Julian laughs, Autumn points at him and mouths "I will kill you", he gulps and William slaps his shoulder. We walk until our legs go numb. 

Luke stops and turns to us, "We are hear", a smile plastered on his face.

We are all breathless and tired and he looks like he does every day.

Kates brows clench together in annoyance. "How do you look so okay", She exclaims at Luke, he just laughs and signals us to follow him.

He opens a panel door and walks in first, we walk in behind him and I am welcome to a familiar cold. 

"Can someone turn down the a/c", William says while shivering.

Allen seams like he is frozen, Julians teeth are clenched together, Autumn and Kate are back outside staring at us inside. 

This is small compared to where I've been.
James and I seem to be unaffected. 

"The cold is the same temperature as the place where you are going",

"This is meant to prepare you for the harsh weather",

"Can we at least have blankets", Kate asks.

"No", he goes the door and pushes the girls inside. 

"I will be here bright and early tomorrow, to get all of you for training".

And with that he walks out of the room, then locks the door

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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