Wand Weighing!

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"Ugh, Draco, stop moving! You're vibrating the whole bench!" Theo grunted out. Definitely not a morning person. Even Blaise was subdued as he leaned over his bowl of oatmeal and fruits trying not to knock out in it. However, Draco didn't care. "I wonder if Harry will come today?" He questioned to no one. Pansy grumbled to Daphne about how he wasn't playing her attention, not that Daphne was playing attention to her. No, Daphne was fully immersed in cutting her pancakes in the shape of a bunny, as a way to distract herself from Pansy's rambling. It usually worked. 

All Draco could do last night was daydream about Harry. He couldn't believe that Harry wasn't some savior for all Gryffindorks! And to sit next to Draco when he had students from all of the Hall was waving him down. Just thinking about it made Draco blush. 

The Great Hall's doors opened again and in came the three Flamels. Draco looked on nervously and thought, "Will he come to sit with me again or go to meet new people?" Harry was about to step towards the Slytherin table when blond girl came and stopped in front of him. 

"Hello, I've interrupted a desire, haven't I? I can see it growing smaller in your eyes."

"Oh, no, you're fine, merry-meet I'm Harry Flamel-Potter! You are?" 

"People rarely ask for my name, I'm Luna Lovegood, but some people call me 'Loony Lovegood' actually."

Harry narrowed his eyes, "I didn't think there was bullying in this school. Why do they call you that?"

Luna smiled a little bit, "I see things that aren't meant to be seen, like one hovering over your head!"

Harry looked up to see, but saw nothing. Looking down at her, he observed her eyes for deceit. "Hmm, I think I'm another that can't see them. Are they nice?"

Luna nodded her head with a bright smile, "Yes! They tell me you're going to be my Lord in the future!" Now that had Harry shocked. Even his forgotten parents looked down at the girl with inquisitive looks. Stumble with his words, "I don't think I'll be your Lord, however, if I turn out to be one I hope that I'm kind and benevolent to you." 

"Thank you, my Lord, I'll be supporting you in this tournament!" She rushed to give him a hug before flowing back to her table. Looking back at his parents to see their response to all of this, he noticed that they were having a silent conversation between them. Perenelle was the first one to look over at Harry and smiled, "Don't worry about that for now. I think your friend is getting jealous," she directed his attention. It worked. 

Harry turned to see Draco looking at him, crestfallen. Smiling, he waved bye to his parents, he turned back to the Slytherins to see Draco raise a fork, threateningly, at Theo. 


"Well, will you look at that. She hugged him. Do you think she's trying to replace you as his platinum blond girlfriend?" Theo snapped Draco out of his depression. Reaching for thing closest to him, a fork, Draco started to berate him with insults. That woke Blaise up from his slumber. Before Draco could stab Theo, Harry yelled a hi a few feet from them. Sliding into his seat between Draco and a random Slytherin, who he smiled at, he greeted, "Merry meet everyone!"

Everyone spoke out greetings in reply while also berating him for being so upbeat in the morning. Draco shyly hid the fork before replying, "Merry meet, Harry. Did you have a good night?" Smiling brightly, Harry nodded. "Yeah, it was good. I had an interview this morning so I'm starved," Harry started to fill his plate with an omelet and sausages. Daphne seemed to perk up at that, "Oh? Interview? Is that why you're dressed really nice?" Smiling kindly at her and mumbling a thanks, Harry replied, "Yeah, Ms. Flynn from Weekly Pioneer wanted to interview me before the wand weighing ceremony today."

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