-Chapter 3-

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3rd person pov

   Class passed by faster than usual as actual classes start next week. Wonwoo quickly gathers his things and heads out of the classroom in order to avoid Mingyu. Before he could run off, he heard the younger calling out to him. “Hyung wait for me!” Mingyu yelled while running towards Wonwoo.

   Wonwoo sighed and looked at the other with dazed eyes “Do you have classes after this?” Mingyu asked “I have one at 9, you?” Wonwoo asked Mingyu “Same hyung. We still have some time before our next class, wanna grab something to eat?” Mingyu questioned, hoping the older would accept his request. “Sure, whatever…” Wonwoo answered before taking off. “Follow me…” he said softly while glancing back at Mingyu.

   After a few moments of walking, they arrived at the campus’ cafeteria. “You can go order, I’ll find us a place to sit.” Wonwoo declared and went off, leaving Mingyu standing there alone. Mingyu shrugged and went to buy something light to eat. Meanwhile, Wonwoo found a table outside of the cafeteria. It was quieter and more peaceful there, plus he gets to breathe the fresh air and admire the cherry blossom petals follow down. Wonwoo enjoyed admiring the beautiful scenery around. He gets to find peace & quiet and also imagines himself floating freely around his imaginary space, it was his feeling of euphoria. 

   Wonwoo couldn’t help but to extend his hand out to the fallen cherry blossom petals that were floating around. He lets out a smile, seeing how beautiful the petals are. On the other hand, Mingyu was struggling to find Wonwoo around the cafeteria and then he decided to go to the outdoor tables, in hopes to find Wonwoo. Searching and searching, he saw where Wonwoo was “Wonwoo hyung!” Before he could continue, he stopped at his tracks and stared at Wonwoo.

   At that very moment, Mingyu felt like everything around him disappeared, what is left was him and Wonwoo in a valley of fully bloomed flowers. A valley of beautifully bloomed lilies surrounded them, a soft breezy wind blowing through his hair and flowers, the scent of lilies flowing through his nose and an angel sent from heaven sat among the flowers. Mingyu would describe that angel as Aphrodite. A soft shade of sunlight making his skin glow, flower petals riding the wind around him and his smile plastering on his beautifully sculptured face. Mingyu felt butterflies in his stomach as he slowly approached the figure while his gaze never left the figure. This was the first time Mingyu ever had this feeling. The feeling of love that is so deep to the point where he couldn’t even reach it. He has fallen hard for Wonwoo and he is certain he will make Wonwoo feel the same to him.

    Before he could continue his daydreaming, Mingyu shook his head and went towards Wonwoo and sat at the seat across Wonwoo. “Wonwoo hyung I got you something” Mingyu pushed the fried chicken sandwich that he bought for Wonwoo forward for the other. Wonwoo stopped what he was doing and looked at Mingyu. “Mingyu-ah, you didn’t have to buy something for me…I’m not really hungry.” Wonwoo pushed the sandwich back to the younger. “It’s okay hyung, I insist” Mingyu pushed it back to the older and Wonwoo sighed while taking the sandwich. “How much is the sandwich? I’ll pay you.” Wonwoo asked while rummaging through his bag to get his wallet. “It’s alright hyung, you can treat me next time” Mingyu declared while letting out his famous smirk. 

Wonwoo’s pov

    I swear to God why is this human being so handsome. The way he smirks and the corner of his lips lifted is one of the hottest things I’ve seen in my 20 years of existence in this miserable world. He even bought me a sandwich which I didn’t even want in the first place. But for his sake I accept it. “W-Whatever you say…” I couldn’t help myself from stuttering. Apparently, this guy is making me nervous for no fucking reason at all, please just end my life right here and now. I was busy cursing myself and I didn’t realise that Mingyu was speaking. “Hyung? Wonwoo hyung?” He was poking my shoulders and I jumped a little. “What is it?” I asked, awkwardly looking at him. “I was asking if you’re free after today’s classes. We can hangout?” ‘He wants to hang out with me? A handsome godly guy asking an ugly nerdy looking guy if he wants to hangout? He’s out of his mind.’ 

    For 20 years, no one has ever asked me out to hang out with them. Soonyoung was an exception since I felt a connection with him, a connection which I can’t explain. But Kim Mingyu, why would you do that Kim Mingyu? Ever since I saw him, no matter how much I tried to avoid him, he would always yeet himself into my life. “I’m not sure what time I finish classes though….” I answered while looking down at the table and before I knew it, he put his hand out to me. “Give me your phone hyung.” I couldn't find a way to avoid that so I gave in and gave him my phone. I saw him typing something on my phone and he gave me my phone back. I looked at the screen and it showed his phone number. Then I heard his phone ringing and he answered it. “So now we can contact each other hyung” Mingyu smirked and put his phone down.

    I swear to god this guy right here is nothing but trouble. “Whatever! I gotta go.” I quickly gathered my things and walked away, leaving Mingyu there alone. I quickly hid behind a wall to catch my breath. “What the hell is wrong with him? What the hell is wrong with me….” I touched my tinted pink warm cheeks. ‘Snap out of this Jeon Wonwoo, you don’t even like him…’ I scolded myself in my mind and headed to my next class. 

3rd person pov

    ‘You don’t even like him…’ Wonwoo thought that he would never have feelings for someone for anyone for his life but oh was he so wrong. On the spring of March 1st 2016, a small part of Wonwoo's heart had already opened up to Kim Mingyu without him noticing. 

I'm cringing at myself, but in a good way :)

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