𝟴. ➪ 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗽𝘆

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"I really don't get the point Sol." A clearly annoyed Christian whines as the two of us sit in the waiting room for our first therapy session. Christian has been against the proposal I'd made about the therapy some days ago, but somehow I've persuaded him, resulting in us sitting here at the moment. Chris hasn't stopped complaining about it though, but I ignored his in my eyes immature behaviour. We truly need this to salvage the issues we have as a couple and maybe this is, like James said, the solution to it all.

"Miss Solana Williams." The therapist then calls, Chris and I making our way to his office after we'd heard our names. We shortly introduce ourselves and shake hands with the tall man in front of us, who had black hair and was wearing glasses. He tells us to both take a seat whilst he sits on the chair stood behind his desk.

"I assume this is your first session with us?" The man questions me, me nodding in response. I felt nervous and anxious, even though this all was my idea, or at least my proposal. My palm feel sweaty and the room seems to get hotter and hotter with the minute. I try to compose myself and focus on the man helping us, who shows me a comforting smile, probably knowing how anxious these things can be.

"So, let's begin off slowly. I want you guys to think this well about the answer you're going to give me on my question, okay?" He calmly asks as Chris and me both nod at the same time. As I look at Chris, who's seated next to me, I can sense the same tension in his body as I was having. I shortly take his hand and mine and rub the palm of it, hoping it'd comfort him a bit.

"Which factors made you guys seek for help?" The therapist asks as he leans back in his chair, his hands folded as he looks at the both of us. I can feel the uncomfortable feeling Chris is experiencing, a feeling which I feel too.

"I think the main thing which has brought us here is communication." I speak up after some silence as I look at Chris, who's eyes already had found mine. He then looks down at the ground before speaking up himself.

"Besides communication trust has also been something we've been struggling with, or something I've been struggling with." He honestly confesses, which catches me a bit off guard. Sure, I knew he was insecure about our relationship and whether or not we'd stick together through things, but for him to struggle with trusting me is new information to me.

"And how so, why do you struggle with trusting her?" The therapist asks Christian. Who seems to feel even more awkward after the question has been asked. He looks at me with a somewhat helpless expression, while I give him one which told him to answer the therapist's question.

"It's just that she works with a lot of my teammates, and I don't know. She just seems to give these signals of her having a better time with them then with me." He shrugs as he leans back in his chair, his arms folded across his chest as he fiddles with the sleeves on his shirt a bit.

"Signals?" I ask the boy as I narrow my eyes. Honestly, I couldn't believe what I'd just heard. Christian knows all Chelsea players are like older brothers to me, which makes his confession somewhat even more absurd.

"You laugh with them, hug them, hang out with them. All things we don't do, you do it with them. Who knows, maybe you're screwing one of them." He bluntly says, making me feel hurt. I thought he wouldn't think of me on such a low level, but somehow he does, which leaves my blood boiling.

"Do it with them? Are you for real? Of course I don't! They're like my older brother Chris, you out of all people should know that! I'm trying so hard to keep this relationship alive, but the way you see me is one to be ashamed for." I say as I raise my voice towards the boy, who just sits there with a neutral expression. It annoys me and the way he's acting is one he shouldn't be proud of.

"What do you mean, keeping this relationship alive?" The therapist asks me. I forgot he was present in the room, which leaves me a bit embarrassed for raising my voice to Chris like that.

"I've tried to go on dates on him. I've even asked my friends to keep their boyfriends at home so I could hang out with him. I try to give him hugs, at home or when I'm at work. I try everything he 'misses', but he just doesn't seem to pick up on it."

"You haven't!" Chris practically shouts as he rises from his seat, "go and finish off this stupid session with him, because I can't bare with your lies."

As Chris storms out I apologetically look at the therapist, who just gives me a nod. I feel embarrassed for what just happened, but mainly disappointed. I didn't expect Chris to just walk out, let along accusing me of lying or telling me he doesn't have any trust in me and my friendships. It upsets me as I continue the session, which results in me pouring my heart and thought out with the therapist, who provides comfort. As our session end the two of us share a hug and he gives me his card, to call whenever I needed.

Which might be very soon...

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