Files files and more files...

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It's been two days since my sixteenth birthday. Me and Gale are currently at his house going through folders and folders of old files, birth certificates, anything I could find in the study of my foster father.

"There's nothing here but work the fosters have done and the only birth certificate here is Kenzie's! It's hopeless" I said as I fell backwards onto the bed.

Kenzie is my foster parents biological daughter. She's thirteen years old and is always nagging me.

"Don't give up hope Lil! I'm sure we will find something" Gale told me as his uncle walked in with a tray of snacks.

Gales uncle is....well..... let's just say I hate his guts. Gale doesn't know that though.. and if he did, I could never tell him'll destroy him.

"Oooooooo food!! Thanks Uncle Alex!" Claimed Gale as he quickly grabbed the tray from him while I just sat there giving Alex the death stare.

After Alex left the room, I turned to Gale and say he had already eaten all the snacks and had gotten crumbs all over my laptops keyboard.

"Doofus. Thanks for saving some for your bestie, idiot" I told him as I walked over to clean the keyboard and tripped over his leg and we both fell to the ground, him landing on top of me.

Cheesy, I know. And very cliché.

He stared into my eyes like all those trashy romance movies everyone watches, and lent down closer to me like he was about to kiss me.

I quickly pushed him off me and stood up. "Let's just focus on finding my parents" I said in a stern-ish voice as I sat down at the desk going through the files.


It's been a week since that day, I was walking to school and decided to take a different route then usual to try and avoid Gale. It's been a little awkward since he tried to kiss me.

As I walked into the school gates, I saw my favourite teacher, Mr Morgan, standing near the building's entrance. I walked over to him and saw he looked upset so i asked him what was wrong...

I never expected to hear what I had heard. Mr Morgan was fired from his job. Our principal Mrs White, had been making so many changes to the school since she started last year. I never thought she would fire the teachers. Let alone Mr Morgan!

"Today is my last day teaching here.... I've worked her for twenty years! All my hard work...for nothing.." he said sadly.

I felt extremely bad for him. Mr Morgan's daughter was a good friend of mine but three years ago she and her mother where involved in a hit and one survived. It was all over the news.

"I'm so sorry sir... I know how much you loved this place.." I said looking down.

Gale, running over, said to Mr Morgan "sir! I've been looking for you! I heard what that b**** did! I'll talk to my uncle, he can help you keep your job." I looked at him and said "should you really be calling our principal aka your cousin a b****?"

Yep... you heard that right. Our principal, Mrs White, was Gales cousin. Alex's daughter. And Gale's right. She is a b****.

Well, I have to get to class,
Catch ya laterz




Hello my bumblebees!!

Hope you like the new chapter:)

Have fun🌸

~Bee 🐝

•DISCLAIMER: All characters, storyline etc are all my original ideas and my own characters!! Please do not steal my work or characters. If you wish to use my characters PLEASE ask me for permission first!!•

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