Mistakes Happen

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(I don't own Skyrim.)

Pepper pouted in a pout as the door she opened led right back to the Forsworn camp. She'd been hoping for more Forsworn to vent her anger out on. Sneak attacks were fun, and it was satisfying to know that she's doing the world a favor with every single Forsworn she took down.

Pepper headed to where she had left Farkas. He had sat down on a nearby chest and was cleaning the enchanted dragonscale shield she had given him. He looked up in surprise at her arrival, but didn't say anything about it, standing up.

"Come on," she said, "we should head to Jarvaskar."

He nodded and followed her out of the broken tower and they headed towards Whiterun.

Spotting an elk with a nice-sized set of antlers on it's head, Pepper waved for Farkas to hold on, pulling out her nightingale bow and loading an ebony arrow. She crouched and pulled back, hesitated for a second as she lined up the shot, and released the arrow. It hit it's target and the moose crumpled, killed on impact.

She gave a little fist pump and slowly crept towards where the large, brown elk had fallen. When she noticed no prey or "predators" which was still simply hostile prey, she put away her bow and raced quickly to her kill.

Farkas helped her skin it and such before they continued on.

Pepper's eyes narrowed and she grinned in glee at the sight of the overhang. She hadn't been around in a while, and a new batch of bandits had probably inhabited it.

Low and behold, an archer walked into range. She pulled out her bow, lined up the shot, aiming at the archer who was sitting in a chair, eating bread. Easy peasy.

She released the arrow....

.....and missed.

The archer apparently dropped something, and with a look of annoyance, went to pick it up. The arrow embedded itself where his heart had been just a second before.

The archer jumped before reacting, pulling out his bow and firing as he alarmed the others.

Pepper cursed silently, pulling out her shield just in time for the arrow to bounce off it. She traded her bow for the sword in it's holster.

Racing forward, she struck like a cobra. Another bandit, one with much more skill than the bandits she's used to, leaped forward, his shield blocking her strike and saving his partner's life. Pepper growled, recognizing the bandit who had killed her horse and ran away before she could get him.

She let loose a battle cry, hacking away at her opponents defense. Farkas slammed the archer in the head so hard, Pepper could hear the skull crack even in the midst of battle.

But her werewolf form wasn't necessary. There were only three, and she was used to being outnumbered by army-like numbers.

The bandit raised his shield and Pepper swiftly changed her entire tactic, twirling before roundhousing her opponent and thrusting her sword forward to run him through.

That left only the third, but a fourth had joined, and together, the two fought like they had nothing left to lose.

Pepper was at her wits end, having been forced to go into the defensive, her sword back in it's holster, both hands on her shield. Finally, as her opponent came at her in a charge, she took a deep breath, her hands tensed in a claw motion, she arched her back, and let loose a shout she didn't often use because it took so much of her energy away.

The two bandits were first in her line of fire, and screamed, writhing before falling to the ground, unconscious. At the same time, the bandit's horse planted a hoof right into Farkas's gut, denting the strong armor and sending Farkas into Pepper's line of fire.


"Oh my Talos! FARKAS!" Pepper screamed, "oh crap, oh crap, what have I done!?" She ran the two bandits through, killed the horse, and raced to Farkas's side.

She sighed in relief as she found a pulse. He seemed no worse for wear, but he would be unconscious for a little bit. But they were at least miles away from where she needed to go. And very near Markarth. And they utmostly despised her, especially after the guards had framed her like they had.

And Whiterun was very far away. No, she'd have to walk all the way there. And Farkas may or may not be unconscious for a while.

And no horse.

With a sigh, she picked up Farkas's arm and tried to drag him. No luck. Dude was like the weight of a mammoth.

With a scowl, she doubled over, trying to transform as quietly as she could. She didn't want to alert anything to their presence, especially with Farkas unconscious.

Now a werewolf, slinging Farkas over her shoulder was now much easier, and she set off in a good walking pace after feasting on the two bandits. Yeah, it was gross and considered cannibalistic, but she needed to stay in werewolf form to keep at a good pace.

She made good headway, getting at least a mile or two. Oh who was she kidding!?

When she realized she was about to change back, she put Farkas down in a bush. Once she'd gotten her armor back on and turned her head towards the sky.


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