Epilogue: Music Box

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Late at night, when the stars are twinkling, acting as the nights lights, like tall light posts on the highway, cars speeding off at a hundred miles per hour.

And he intended to meet up with Nari, to look at the stars for a few moments. You can probably tell, they're really close now, closer then they've ever been. And, they're about to get even closer.

As they both walk past the basement, there's a deep red glow between the floor and the door.

"What is that?" Jungkook asks, as Nari shrugs, a confused look plastered on her face. They go closer to the door, as it creaks open... By itself.

Nari doesn't flinch, gesturing to Jungkook that she'll enter, her curiousity taking over once again. It's both a strength of hers... And a weakness.

In the deafening silence at 3 am, all she has in her sight, is a wooden box. The melancholy music plays, and it echoes in the night, as the dark sky starts to emit a red glow.

"Nari, that's the music I hear every single night. The same reason why I'm monitored, the same reason why I have sleeping troubles..."

"Jungkook, come here," She signs, dragging him inside as she turns on the switch. It's bright, making them feel like they're back in day time.

Nari walks over to the box, the tune of that one Swan Lake song playing, but it's out of key, making it sound off.

But it doesn't seem to phase her, as she takes the detailed music box into her hand, opening it up as the music hits it's last note, the sound stopping. But for some reason, they can still hear the ringing of that last note, the sound now embedded into their memory.

Her head whips back to him, as he's still in shock, slowly walking towards her, grabbing her shoulder.

"It's pretty... Creepy," He says, taking a peek at the now opened box, a little ballerina in the middle, with one sapphire ring inside it. The mirror is on the lid of the box, a little blurry. So she wipes it, fogging it up and using her sleeve to clean it.

For a second, she sees something sinister, as it fades away in the blink of an eye. She assumes it's nothing, as it is late in the night, the bright light probably playing tricks on her sleep deprived head.

But, what she saw was very much real.

And out of spite, he steps closer as she slips the ring on her finger.

As the door shuts closed, a spirit coming out of the box...

"Thank you for freeing me...

I've been in that box for seventy years..."

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'If I'm in this kind of nightmare, I promise I won't wake up ever again.'

- IU Ft SUGA, 'eight'

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