Author's Note:

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This is the end of this short story!

First off, I want to thank everyone who's support this book and/or my other story 'A Faraway Land'. I originally started writing here as a joke, but then some people became interested in it so here I am.

I honestly don't know what to write, or how to express my gratitude to everyone but I want to say, every read, comment and vote means a lot to me.

If anyone didn't know or forgot, or perhaps got confused with the ending, this story is not necessarily finished! This was only an introduction for the characters, and I'll be writing the full book at one point in 2022 or onwards.

That book will be supernatural fiction, horror and mystery! Of course, it will contain romance and comedy elements too, like how I normally do.

And yes, you'll be left on a cliffhanger for quite a while.

I think I still have a lot to improve on, and I think I might be younger than most think I am. So, I still need to learn so much about writing but I hope you stay during that 'journey' of mine.

This book has been dedicated to, Ms. Stanton, my English teacher for 2021. She has been such an inspiration, and she's the kindest and most beautiful teacher I'll ever have.

Thank you for all reading this short story, I promise to improve!

This book will be updated when I publish the main story.

If you have any questions, or thoughts feel free to comment on this!

— lots of love, the author <3

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