Chapter 5...

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  • Dedicated to Rachel Etherington

Chapter 5

Dedicated to Rachel because and i quote " I'm amazing and I have to put up with you all day on Fridays and all day every other Tuesday"


We ran through the school gates just as the bell went. Alec had a death grip on my hand, almost as if he thought that letting go of me now would mean letting go forever. I kept tripping over my shoes because even though i was a size 8 and did just as much sport as Alice, i failed at running. Alice of course was already standing against the fence, tapping her foot and staring at the invisible watch on her wrist. Alec stopped suddenly just outside the gate. he stopped so suddenly that i ran straight into the back of him.

"Ouch!" Alec shouted as he turned around to face me.

"I'm sorry, sis i hurt you?" Oh god what had i done now? I didn't think I'd hit him that hard but you know boys always blowing things out of proportion.

"Haha" Alec and Alice both burst out laughing. "Babe I was joking, it didn't hurt at all" Alec said chuckling as he wrapped his arms around me between my coat and grey vest jumper.

"Love birds, we're going to be late." Alice was always there when I wanted to be with Alec but I didn't have the heart to tell her that I would rather be with him than her.

"She has a point you know" Alec said with disappointment in his voice. He tightened his grip around my waist and leaned in to kiss me.

"No, no time for that a quick peck on the cheek and lets go." Alice was getting impatient and I Ifelt like turning round and slapping her but with what she knew I wasn't about to argue with her, especially not in front of Alec.

"Better do what she says, she sounds angry" I whispered in Alec's ear as he hugged me. He nodded and kissed me on the cheek.

"Bye then!" Alec shouts as Alice grabs my arm and drags me away from him and towards our tutor room.

C-12 was a large high-tech class room in the newest building in our school. There was an interactive whiteboard on the wall to the left, each of the five rows of desks had 3 computers on and each was separated but a small desk for when we needed to draw something. There are 60 pupils in each year group at Bridgly, 4 classes of 15. Everybody has to pass 'the test' to come here so even if you have a sibling here there is no free pass. Alice and Alec are the only twins that have both gotten into Bridgly, but to look at them you wouldn't know they were. Alice was the complete opposite to Alec when it came to looks. Her perfectly fallen curls in her blonde hair never seemed to fall out of place whereas Alec's black straight hair was always messy, and her blue eyes were a far fetch from the beautiful green eyes that belonged to Alec.

"You're late..." Miss South began to raise her voice, she never like Alice luckly for her i was no more than two steps behind her. "Oh Elle, how are you feeling?" Miss was a clingy teacher but now I was ill  she was very, very clingy.

"Err Miss, Alice is the only other person that knows and I'm trying to forget it all so if you wouldn't say anything that would be a great help" I was trying so hard to hold back the tears and because Alice knew me far too well, she knew I had to get out of there. Miss South could see over the top of her small green rimed reading glasses that I needed to leave and so she nodded at Alice. Alice wrapped her arm around me and guided me out the door and into the corridor.

"You Can't do that every time someone asks you if you're ok" Alice told me with a sharp echo in her voice. Alice was a no noncence girl who often didn't have time for my 'emotional stupidity' as she called it.

"I know, I'm just worried about everyone finding out before I'm ready to tell them." I sobbed though the tears.

"Why don't you want them to find out? For once you're acctually not making somethig out of nothing." Alice always did hate that about me but I never thought that I did that.

"Because I still have a while before the symptoms start to show and then people can make a fuss!" I was getting angry with myself and taking it out on her. I was trying to say sorry but Alice just kept screaming my name. She wouldn't let me talk.

"Elle! Elle!" she shouted but it sounded like she was the other side of the school. I heard foot steps coming towards me but all I could see now was black. Then I felt someone hold my hand, but it wasn't Alice. It was Alec and as I drifted off i heard him whisper.

"You're gonna be fine babe,I promise."

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