Chapter 1 - Sam

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Author's Note:
A lot of the original story of Attack on Titan will be changed, so no spoilers (I think).
- a/n end -

I abandoned the limp body of the man who had perverted desires. As I walked, I took note of the familiar stinging sensation at my knuckles, my arms and my bottom lip. I didn't need a mirror to recognise the wounds, anymore.

Slight annoyance buzzed in my head, Mum's going to be disappointed, again, I thought as I sighed irritatedly. Then I began to reminisce all those times that I came home with injuries possessing my body. How my mother would panic every time, how she would skill-fully treat my leaking blood and throbbing bruises, and how she would scold me after she was finished. Once more, I sighed, for mother will surely lecture me this time.

Suddenly, a deafening boom sounded. I spun around to face where the noise came from and froze. I've never seen anything beyond the wall that I lived within, which was Wall Rose. Despite this, I immediately knew that the figure, standing in the middle of the distant wall's new hole, was a titan.

I ran. Urgency surged through me with every rapid beat of my heart and the thundering footsteps of the giant naked beasts grew louder. As I sped on, people rushed past me, away from the wall. But I ran towards it, because that's where my house is.

And Mum's home.

When I arrived at the location of my house, I couldn't see it. What should have been a small cosy house standing proud like my personal trophy, now was broken beyond recognition and piled like scraps in front of me.

"Mum!" I screamed, scrambling towards the house that was no more. I was begging that she was safe. Desperately, I threw off the pieces of the house. I was strong, especially when I'm an emotional mess, so it wasn't hard to get to the bottom of the pile. Before I lifted up the final chunk, I prayed that she wouldn't be there, maybe shopping for groceries someplace else, but I forgot that no one answers my prayers.

Mum laid there.

And so did my dad.

I crawled through the rubble and grabbed both my parents, tears practically washing my cheeks, "Mum, Dad, get up! Get up!" I looked towards my father and noticed his uniform. "Dad, what are you doing? Go and get the titans, like you said you would," more tears ran down my cheeks as my voice faltered, "go and make us proud, like you said you would." But he didn't answer, he didn't even move. I was sobbing when I turned to my mother, "Mum, I just came back from a fight. Look at my wounds." She remained motionless. "Aren't you going to bandage me? Aren't you going to scold me?" It was evident that she wasn't doing any of that.

They were dead.

Cries escaped my throat as moisture sprung uncontrollably from my eyes. I've never cried this much, I've never even cried at all, with the one exception of my younger brother's death, four years ago.

After a long time, however long it was, I had no more tears I could let fall. I sat with my legs tucked underneath me as I gripped the hands of my parents that were intertwined with each other.

If I hadn't fought, I would have gotten here in time. If I had stayed home, I would have saved them. If I had stopped fighting at all, we would have lived in a safer place with the money they had spent to treat my injuries.

I punched the ground.

It's my fault they're dead, I realised. Raising my head, I vowed that I would repay my mother and father for my selfishness and the many things they did for me. Then at that moment, I knew exactly how to achieve it.

I looked at my parents, and smiled apologetically, "I'm so sorry that I caused you both so much trouble up to your final moments." I leaned down, kissed their clasped hands and whispered, "I swear, I'll make it up to you, Mum and Dad."

Wasting no more time, I removed my father's 3DMG.

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