A Neat Office With a Visitor

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I hope you enjoy this short story :)


Bright neon light filtered through the many layers of glass into the man's office. It was a neat office were everything had its place. The books were all in colour order, ranging from red to purple, sat on a perfectly clean book shelf. The same was to go with the desk, all pens and pencils sat in their spot and all the paper sat in a neat rectangle to the side. It is safe to say that anything remotely 'different' or 'crazy' would have stuck out like a sore thumb in this office. This was how everything looked everyday in the TVA, nothing different or new in any room.

Except today apparently, as a small meowing noise came from the door way. A little black cat with emerald green eyes emerged, rubbing its matted fur along the entrance to the room.

Seeing the cat made the middle aged man jumped up. In truth, he was not too old, in fact he was quite young but his short grey hair certainly made you question how old this man actually was. He wore the normal TVA uniform of the boring tie and the boring suit, he didn't mind though. This was his life and he was enjoying it. At least that was what he thought...

He picked up the cat, and stole a few glances out along the passage way before closing the door.

"You silly cat, you would have been pruned if anyone would have found you." The man muttered as he placed the cat on his lap, who just sat looking up into the man's eyes. This, in turn, made the greying man giggle. He slowly started patting the cat, trying to unknot mass of matted hair.

As the man looked more at the cat, the more emotions you could see behind his eyes, almost as if he was recognising the cat. Eventually, he stopped patting the cat and just looked. Slowly, almost as if he was questioning himself, he spoke quietly to the cat once more;

"You know, you remind me of someone I use to know. I miss them a lot, so maybe it's just wishful thinking."

The man sighed when the cat just titled their head to the side and looked at him. But after he sighed something changed, all the sudden the cat wasn't there. And instead there just was a beaming person, smiling straight into the surprised man's face.

This person looked appalling in the neatly arranged office. Their jet black hair was slicked back which made their face that slight bit easier to read. They also had a TVA uniform on, but it was styled to their liking; the pants were ripped in places and the shirt was as well, why it is not known. It looked like this person was destined to go to a summer pool party.

"You missed me Mobius?" Loki giggled, tilting his head to the side just like the cat did.

Mobius just sat there, with Loki on his lap, stunned. Finally coming to his senses, he just put his arms out and hugged Loki. Small beads of tears ran down his face, the neon lights illuminating them into glistening shimmers of feelings and emotions. His voice crackling with this influx of those exact emotions, he mumbled "I thought you were gone, I thought you had forgotten..."

Loki just sighed, and pulled Mobius in for an even tighter hug. "I would never forget you, my love. I would search to the ends of the multiverse for you. For odin's sake, I start a multiversal war for you."


I hope you enjoyed !! 

If you have any story/plot ideas I would love to hear them.

Thanks for reading, 

Jam :)

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