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Hello and welcome back.

This short one shot is inspired by Lovejoy's song Concrete, which is in their Pebble Brain Album. It's a very good song, and I would suggest listening to it if you haven't already.

This is another sad story, sorry I'm just kind of emotionless at the moment so maybe writing sad stuff will make me feel something (dude, I am sorry that sounds so fucking sad).

By the way, this is an alternate ending to the Loki series. This happens just after Loki and Sylvie kissed (... I couldn't watch that, I am sorry marvel). Loki lands back in the TVA room where Mobius first properly met Loki.

WARNING!! Slight (?) spoiler for the new spider-man movie 'No Way Home'.


The large, open, TVA room seemed more emotionless than ever. Normally the whole of the TVA was still, calm, almost as if it was hiding chaos behind it's office building exterior. But this time there was no stillness or calm sense. The TVA was in shambles. The chaos that once seemed hidden had broken loose. Pitter patter of people running through the halls echoed as if the halls had turned into large church rooms. The screams echoed even louder, sending slices of pain into the people who heard them.

And then there was Loki. They were just sitting there, listening to the chaos, no pain in his eyes. No emotions at all in fact. They were just stunned. He had been stabbed in the back the second he opened his heart to someone. Loki thought he had found someone who loved him for who he was. He was wrong. Now no one will ever love Loki ever again.

Or maybe that statement was untrue. There was one who loved Loki since the start, being there for them when they weren't stable. Mobius was there for Loki since the start, and he had seen everything. 

As Mobius strode into the room, dramatically flinging the double doors open, his face was definitely not emotionless. Mobius' face was easily readable. Sadness, pain and heart break was evident, but also anger and hate. 


The older looking man's words echoed around the room. They didn't even seem to register in Loki's mind. Loki was still sitting there emotionless, lifeless, too busy in their own thoughts to even notice Mobius' entry into the room.

"You didn't even hear me," This lack of attention from Loki angered Mobius even more, causing him to walk up to the norse god and shake his hand in front of their face.

"Oi, dickhead. I saw how you kissed your little girlfriend. Pathetic."

Loki snapped out of this stupor and looked up at the man, who was red in the face and had been crying before he walked in here to talk to Loki. 

"So this is about Sylvie." The words wandered slowly and emotionlessly from Loki's mouth. 

"And you are saying I am pathetic. You're the one being all mad about how I kissed a person who wasn't you."

Mobius stopped. He knew Loki was clearly in the wrong here, that Loki had kissed Sylvie and broken his heart. Loki was the one who had ruined the TVA, who had ruined his life. But, somehow Mobius knew this wasn't true, and that somehow he, Mobius, was in the wrong. He was guilty, his insides tearing at him. Tears poured down his face, even though he put everything into not letting them escape.

"Sylvie is a different version of YOU, Loki," Mobius' words shook, "You know what the spider-men said to each other when they met up? 'Oh hi! You guys are cool! I've always wanted a brother!!". They didn't go up to each other and say, 'Hi, wanna fuck?'."

This time it was Loki's turn to pause. They just looked disappointedly at Mobius. 

"Seriously? All this over a kiss? You weren't there. Why are you pressed by this?"


Hope you liked :)

It was kind of dragging on, so sorry if the end seems rushed. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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