Chapter 4: I..think I love you.

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Dipsy's POV:

Wow this blue tubby is adorable, and his names Ron huh, cute. I feel my heart or whatever is left of it, pounding. What is this? I'm going to ask Noonoo, "So...why didn't you kill me?" "Huh!? Oh! Um...I...don't know...I never actually wanted to kill anyone's a long story...and... hard to explain..." "Oh..." I lay back and feel a huge shock of pain, "Ah!" Oh right, I forgot that's were I got shocked by that laser thing back at the station, oh god that hurts. I then feel someone rub my back, I look over at Ron to see him rubbing my back in random spots trying to make it feel better, I blush, "Where does it hurt?" "O-On my shoulders..." He then begins rubbing my shoulders, "Does it feel better?" I nod my head, "Yeah..It actually does..." He smiles, "Good." He continues to do it for awhile, humming a little while doing it. It sounds nice, peaceful, I could fall asleep to his humming. I Finnish my custard and sat the bowl down, I don't need to eat it, in fact I don't need to eat anything anymore, but you know, it's still nice to have stuff in my stomach, or whatever's left of it, plus, this stuff is actually really good, "So...are you still hungry?" I ask wanting to start up a conversation, "No, not really. It was pretty good, it's better then what we had back at the station." "Oh yeah? What did you have there?" "It's better not to think of it when you just ate." He says making a disgusted look thinking of it, "Oh...well I don't have a stomach or at lest one that can contain food so it's not like I would puke or anything." "But I can." "Oh right. Sorry." He giggles, "It's ok." I blush, god that laugh is cute. My heart beats even faster.

-Time skip.-

Ron's POV:

Dipsy left 10 minutes ago to do something, I don't know what it is but I'm sure it nothing I should dig in to, it's none of my business. I'm laying on a makeshift bed made out of leaves and stuff, "When is he going to back?" I wonder, "I'm sure he'll be back soon, but I'm inpatient." I play with my fingers, "I guess I could sleep a little." I close my eyes and fall asleep after awhile.

-Sorry for not updating for awhile. I had a lot of other pending things and school so yeah, sorry.

-Word count: 434

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