Chapter 5: Go.

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Dipsy's POV:

"Sorry I'm late!!" I say as I barge into the infected tubbies' meeting spot, "I got caught up in something." "It's fine. Just sit down." Noonoo said as he pulls a chair and forces me down quickly before getting to the important stuff.

I look around, I'm not that short, in fact, I'm not short at all but since the infection, I am smaller than everyone. Tinky Winky was massive and strong. He could pick me up a yeet me across the room if he wanted to. Laalaa is extremely tall, she towers over all of us, but skinny, though still strong, she could tear someone apart easily, her strength and hearing make up for her loss of vision. Po was normal smaller than me but then she turned into that spider form and she looks down at me happily, not in a bad way, in an exciting way, since she was the youngest she was also the smallest, so she was just happy to finally to be bigger than someone, plus shes strong, so strong that Noonoo uses her as a bodyguard a lot. They all kinda scare me in a way, cause they're all like that, and then there's me. Sure, I got some upgrades, like I run faster and a little stronger, but all I really have is a chainsaw, if I fought any of them I would be beaten so easily. The only ones I probably could beat would be those white, hairless, armless tubbiys that Noonoo makes, "-And make sure no ones left." I snap out of my mind and started listening.

"everyone understands?" everyone nodded and I sighed in my mind, 'I'll have to ask someone what happened when I zoned out.' they all got up to get back to work killing people. I start walking back to the place I left Ron when I hear Laalaa call out, "Dipsy!? Here you here!?" I stop and walk towers her, "Hey Laalaa. What's up?" "Oh! Great you are here! Well, I know you zone out a lot at meetings. I hear you mumbling about how you missed a lot because you zoned out so I wanted to fill you in." "Oh! Thanks! That's nice of you." Laalaa is such a sweetheart, "No problem. Ok, so Noonoo said that tomorrow we are going to do a sweep of the whole area and make sure no one is left. Top to down, inside and outside everyplace." Dipsy starts sweating, "O-Oh! Ok. Thanks for filling me in. I own you one." "No problem Dipsy." Laalaa smiles and walks away, trying to navigate back to her rocky home.

I start running back to the cave I left Ron and grab him, waking him up, "Hey! What are you-!" "Shhh! Be quiet. He gave to go. Now." "What why?" "They're doing a sweep of the area tomorrow. I need to get you out of the area. Now." "Oh, o-ok." I grab him and pick him up off the ground, his surprisingly light, "Geez! Do eat!?" "Um yes? I mean the things I eat really aren't that good but yes. I have to." "Ok....come on." I start running.

We go to the edge of the whole area, I'm pooped and put him down, "Ok now run." "Huh?" "I'm tired....but I got you all the way to the end of the search area so now run....and don't get in any trouble." he just looks at me, "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" "Nothing I were....nice...." "Nice?.... That's a good thing..right?" "Yes, it is." I would smile but well you know, "Cant you come?" "Come? Um....I can't...." "Why?" "They would....find me....and I would get in trouble it's not good...." Ron looks down, "Ok....well it was nice to see you...." "It was nice to see you too." the blue tubby then runs off, 'I hope they are going to be ok.' I think as I walk off.

-So what do you think? Sorry, it took me a while.

-Word count: 685

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