chapter 4.5

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At the old hanagaki househould
MARCH 27, 2005
5:36 PM

"haaaa~ i can finally rest" Takemichi said as she let her body fall in her bed  'there will be another school tommorow' takemichi thought as she Sigh as she look up in her cieling, she looked away from her cieling for 10 seconds and sat up and wonder what to do then she remember something she wish she never remebered 'homework' Takemichi fall in her bed then scream at her Pillow, when was done screaming so she sat up and stand up then head towards her desk then she took a notebook in her bag then put it down in her desk then took out a ballpen in her bag then sat down in her desk chair and opened her notebook and ballpen *sigh*'i wish that i could just tear this apart and burn this stupid notebook' takemichi thought as she started doing her homework "i swear if i fail this assignment i will f*cking tear this apart and burn this stupid notebook and also punch my stupid teacher for failing me" takemichi said with a annoyed tone as she was doing her homework and also making an evil smile on her face as she did her homework.
*38 minutes*

"its finally done" takemichi said as she looked at her finished homework
And stretch both of her arms 'ugh,what time is it' takemichi thought as she put down her arms and look at her alarm clock at her left '6:15, i guess i should buy some groceries since im almost out of food' takemichi thought as she stood up and put on her jacket and picked up her keys and phone she then stepped out of her room and head down stairs and starts heading towards the door, when she was already infront of the door she opened the door and stepped outside the house and closed the door and locked the door so no one would snuck inside her house again, she starts heading towards her motor and hop on her motor and put on her helmet and starts the engine, when she starts the engine she drived very fast, after finding a shop she stoped at the shop she found and took off her helmet and put it down on her motor and starts getting off of her motor and  turned off her motor then head towards the shop and went inside, when she Went inside she suddenly felt cold she shivered a little, she was glad she wore her jacket if she didn't she'll probably freeze to death, without wasting no time she starts getting the foods she need, after a minute of finding the foods she need she heads toward the cashier, when she arrived at the cashier she put down the foods she need in the cashier's counter and the cashier starts scanning the food she needed, when the cashier finished scanning the foods she needed the cashier said the price she needs to pay "that will be 1078$ ma'am" the chasier said with a smile on her face, takemichi quickly put her hands on her pocket to get her wallet, when she got her Wallet on her pocket she quickly pulled out a 2000$ and gave it to the cashier, after the cashier finished packing the food she buyed the cashier gave her the two groceries she buyed and also gave her change, takemichi smiled at the cashier when she took her change and her two groceries she headed towards the exit, when she finally got out the shop she heads towards her motor then put down her two groceries and took her Motors key and starts her motors engine she then wore her helmet then she picked up her two groceries, she then hop on her motor and starts driving fast, when she finally arrived at her house she turned off her motor then put down her two groceries and took off her helmet, she then hop out of her motor then put down her helmet on her motor then picked up her two groceries she then walked at her house and headed towards the door, when she was infront of her door, she then put down her two groceries again and put her hands in her pocket to get her keys, when she finally got her keys she quickly put her key in the key hole and starts opening her door she put her key back in her pocket and picked up her two groceries again and went inside her house and she then close her door and locked it, takemichi went in the kitchen and put the groceries in her fridge while she put the others in her cabinet, when she was done putting her groceries in her fridge and cabinet she looked at her watch '7:14, guess i better take a half bath' takemichi thought as she headed towards her room then goes into her bathroom, after 22 minutes of taking a half bath she puts on a towel around her body she stepped out of her bathroom then change into her clothes and start going out of her Room then head down stairs and head towards the kitchen to eat her dinner, when she was already on the kitchen she starts cooking when she finished cooking she starts eating her warm food 'Delicious' takemichi thought as she smile, when she was eating her war food peacefully someone suddenly called her which annoyed her so she picked up her flip-phone and see who was calling her 

~to be continued~ >:D
~940 words~

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