chapter 4.6

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At the old hangaki household
MARCH 27, 2005
07:37 PM

As takemichi saw who was calling her she quickly answer the call "what is it hina-chan?" takemichi said to her best friend who was calling her "nothing i just wanted to ask you if you already ate dinner" hinata said to the phone who was chuckling, this Annoyed takemichi, "if you dont have something important to tell me then im hanging up" takemichi said to the phone who was annoyed at the her best friend who suddenly call her and also ruined her peaceful dinner, "hahaha, now now mimichi-chan, i didn't call you just because i wanted to ask you if you had eat dinner, i wanted to tell you something important" hinata said Turning serious at the last word she said, this made takemichi turned serious "im already eating dinner, Did something bad happened?" takemichi said as she picked up her spoon  and continue eating her food, "yes something bad happened" Hinata said with a serious tone, this made takemichi stop eating "okay continue" takemichi ordered her vice-president, hinata obeyed her leader and continue "five of our female members were brutaly injured one broke her left arm and also Broke her left leg and some were r*ped infront of them, and also six of our male members were beaten up badly their statement is the same what happend to the females except being r*ped, they are already in hospital" hinata said holding her anger because someone messes with their gang memebers, hearing what hinata said, this made takemichi mad i MEAN very mad, she is trying not to break her flip-phone "who did this to them and when did this happen" takemichi said coldly making hinata shiver at her cold voice, "t-the moebius gang and this happened when our school ended" hinata said stuttering a little "okay what hospital are they in" takemichi said who calmed down which relieved hinata because if she didnt Calmn down takemichi will turn into a whole different person and she will  beat up those people who approach her to death, hinata remember what happened  2-years ago, she remembered how takemichi almost killed someone when someone bullied hinata, this made hinata worry because she doesnt want takemichi to beat them up to death well hinata do want to beat them up to death but she doesnt want her best friend ending up in jail, "they are in kosei chuo hospital" Hinata said "hinata were gonna visit them" takemichi said as she hung up, hinata was now worried about Takemichi because takemichi said her name not her nickname *sigh* 'let's just hope that she doesn't kill someone' hinata thought as she changed her clothes and left the apartment and head towards her motor and hop on it and starts the motors engine and drive very fast and head towards kosei chuo hospital 'hope you wont do something bad mimichi-chan' hinata thought as she drive even faster

~to be continued~ :D
~576 words~

Sorry if i made some many mistakes and Also many misspelled words,  but i do hope that you all enjoyed reading my first TR fanfic novel

And im also sorry if the update is very short 😅

Dont worry i'll make sure that the next update is long

im also very sorry if the story doesn't make any sense at all🙃

Hope you guys forgive me 😅

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