Happy Birthday, My Mochi

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Just like any other day, Haruto entered a café that is located right beside his company. However, today is a bit different. It's something that he has anticipated the whole year.

"Good morning, Jihoon Hyung!" he greeted to the café owner which he get a greeting back from him. He stood behind one costumer while holding his brief case as well as scrolling on his phone. Not long after that, it is his time to order since the previous costumer already has her order.

"Hey, Ruto-ya! The usual?" asked Jihoon, the owner of the café.

"Yes, hyung. I'll have one iced Americano. I am gonna be sitting there." said Haruto pointing at a table for two next to the window.

"Sure, anything else I can get you?" asked Jihoon.

"Ahh... 1. No, 2 sets of Macarons, please." Said Haruto smiling.

"I thought you do not like sweet things?" asked Jihoon. Because every time Haruto ordered there, he only go for Americano or other black coffee.

"It's not for me. It's for my boyfriend. It's his birthday today." said Haruto as he looked at his phone screen showing Junkyu's picture leaning on his lap.

"O-oh. I see. Alright, I will pack them up in 10 minutes." Jihoon stuttered.

After finishing only half cup of his Americano, Haruto took the macarons and rush to his office. He wanted to leave early to celebrate his boyfirend's birthday, Junkyu's.

He put the macarons on his table before he take a seat in his office. Haruto has his own room since he was promoted last year. After taking deep breath, he took out his phone from his pocket and texted Junkyu that he will be home early today. He put his phone on the table, next to a framed picture of him and Junkyu when they visited Japan, meeting Haruto's parents.

At lunch time, a knock was heard from his office door.

"Mr. Watanabe, you don't want to go to lunch together with us?" asked one of his colleagues. It has been their regular routine to have lunch together because it can keep the bound together with people they work with.

"No, I'm fine. I need to finish this quick." Said Haruto as he kept on typing but his eyes were on the man on the door, peeking.

"Thank you for asking tho. Wait, here is a card, pay for all the people you go to eat with." Said Haruto. Even though his colleague already refuse to take the card, Haruto is a stubborn man and he always get what he wants. Thanks to his stubbornness, he did not take a step back when in colleague Junkyu had refused him so many times until Junkyu also fell in love with him.

He sighed long before smiling and took his phone to text Junkyu that he will be home soon.

He said goodbyes to his colleagues, taking his brief case in his right hand and a plastic paper bag in other hand which contained 2 sets of macarons.

As soon as he made it home, Haruto took a shower and changed into his couple sweater, he owned a blue one while Junkyu got the orange one.

He went to the kitchen, opened the cabinet above the stove and took 2 packs of Ufo Ramyeon.

After finish cooking it, he sets the table with 2 bowls of Ufo Ramyeon and 2 sets of macarons in the middle of the table.

"Ok, let's lit the candle, hyung!" said Haruto wiping his tears trying hard to smile. He took a seat and started to light a candle in the kitchen with the dim light so that the light from the candle will show off more.

It has been 2 years that he is doing that routine.

People has been asking him the question. Why do you keep celebrating Junkyu's birthday? But all he responded was a smile. If he really wanted to answer it, the answer will be more or less like this. It's just that, most of the people will just recall the day of someone's death when they died. They forgot and mostly they don't celebrate their birthdays anymore. He doesn't want that happen to Junkyu.

"I'm gonna make sure to celebrate it every year, hyung." Said Haruto as he laughed, wiping another tear that won't stop streaming down his cheek.

In front of him, there are two bowls of Ufo Ramyeon. He did not want to eat earlier in the office so he can finish the two bowls he just made. No matter how hungry he was, the longing of his boyfriend beats everything else.

Haruto influenced Junkyu in liking the ramyeon so he always asked Haruto to bring many of Ufo Ramyeon if the Japanese guy went back to Japan to meet his family for a vacation. Now, Haruto always have the stock of the Ufo Ramyeon.

"Ahh... Please, why are these tears won't stop? Shhhh" said Haruto as he leaned his elbow on the table. Covering his whole face with his palm as he whimpered in front of the lit candles and two bowls of Ramyeon that is almost gone cold.

Haruto can't say goodbye to Junkyu that is why every year the Japanese guy will always celebrate his boyfriend's birthday. He is afraid that if he only recall the death day, it will only leave a bigger scar to his already shattered heart. Instead, Junkyu's birthday will always remind him Junkyu's smile, Junkyu's hug and Junkyu's touch.

Even though every night Haruto always dream of Junkyu, but the only thing that he wanted was Junkyu to be in his side.

"See you in my dream tonight, hyung." He said as he took the chopstick and started to eat the ramyeon.

After finishing all the ramyeon. He looked at the candles that has died by itself but only one that was lit, almost died as well. Haruto blew the candle while closing his eyes.

"Happy Birthday, my mochi." He whispered to the wind, wishing that the wind will deliver it to the one that he really missed, Kim Junkyu.

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