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clearly no one inboxed me, so i'm here telling about something that no one suggested. quite sad, isn't it? so i guess i'll just talk about how my week went. btw, this is the way i type, so if you dont like it, dont read this story or my authors notes on my other stories.


monday was okay. i unfortunately had to go to school. i have algebra 1 first thing in the morning, which makes me feel like i'm about to puke because i absolutely hate algebra and that is not how i want to start off my day. we played some really stupid game to get us to understand quadratic functions (it didn't work; i still don't understand them).

science is my next class. we did crap, i just forgot what it was because it's saturday now fam.

world geography is my next class. we worked on this stupid essay. made me get hand cramps.

lunch was fun. i have it with only two of my best friends. my third best friend has a different lunch :(

choir was crappy as usual. i'm stuck in a stupid class with a bunch of kids a great lower than me. i deserve to be in advanced, but whatever.

pe: ok let me tell you people about pe. my best friend made this new friend and i keep getting sooo jealous and i wish i could stop because she's allowed to have other friends but yeah i'm just jel for some stupid reason. but i have made some new friends in that class and we're playing badminton, which is super fun, so i guess it's okay.

english was super boring as usual. my teacher is vv annoying.


i missed algebra (thank God) because i had to get a tooth ripped out. it was super painful, but i'm alive.

, , im in an apple juice mood. I LOVE APPLE JUICE!

let's just get over my crazy apple juice outburst and get on to the rest of my tuesday. i missed science too xD.

and half of world geography. i still had to attend the second half of class tho. we worked on our stupid essay again. more hand cramps.

lunch was aight.

choir was aight.

pe was aight.

english was aight.


no school.

i stayed home all day and bought a book at barnes and noble, but that was it.


in algebra we learned about different types of functions and a whole bunch of other crap that had to do with them. i didn't understand it.

in science we did a friction lab. stupid.

in world geography we worked on the stupid essay some more. my hand shall die of hand cramps.

lunch was aight.

choir was aight.

we are now doing soccer in pe.

english was aight.

after school, i had a 1 hour intense ballet class and a 1 hour jazz/hip hop practice.


in algebra my teacher made us play a stupid game to get us to understand functions. it didn't work. stupid.

in science we did a friction lab and started doing more research on friction. still v stupid.

in world geography we continued to work on the essay. my hand died.

lunch was fun.

choir was aight.

we are now playing flag football in pe.

english was kinda fun because the kids at my table are hilarious.

i'm going to a christian church on sunday with my friends, but i'm not a christian nor do i affiliate myself with any religion whatsoever. wish me luck :)) !!

so that was how my week went . no one ever really asks and no one inboxed me with ideas , so . . .

i also changed my update times to every friday .

until next week , remember to inbox me with ideas !

xx lo xx

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