Chapter 6

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Augusts p.o.v
"time to wake up UP UP UP "i said walking downstairs to answer the door for my best friend that i have known since we were young she staying at my house for a couple days for mias birthday

I opened the door and saw her standing there with her bags i just stood the shocked she looked so different in a good way
"So are you gonna just let me stand out her in this hotness or are you gonna let me in she said smiling at me

"My bad come in Adrian "i said letting her in grabbing her bags She gave me a hug this would be her first time meeting Adrian and Adrian meeting Mia
"So where this daughter of your i cant wait to meet her "she said

"Upstair ......come on " she walked up the stairs and as she did all i could do was watch her ass move every tome she went up a step i had a crush on her in middle school but then we became best friends
I knocked on mias door

"Go away daddy i can get changed by my self "she screamed

"Open the door ........please"i said

"No for all i know you might hit me again "she said a little quieter that time

"Baby girl open now what did i tell you about listen to me"i said but no one answered

I told Adrian to go downstair and get her stuff in her new room so she did

"Mia open this door nowwww"i yelled still no answer

"MIA YOU DoNT WANT TO SEE ME MAD OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW "i yelled still she didnt answer me i put mad and kicked down the door mia looked at me you could see she was scared but i was so mad that i didnt care

i looked at her and took of my belt and everyword that i said i hit her with it

"how .....i "i wanted to stop but i couldnt

'daddy im sorry stop hitting me "she said crying

i kept hitting her then adrain walked in ''AUGUST STOP HITTING HER "she grabbed my hand to stop my hand from hitting her she picked up mia and carried her to her bathroom they stayed in there and i went to my room and sat on my bed with my head between my hands thinking then i looked to the side of my bed and saw a beer and a blunt i have been drinking and smoking alot lately maybe thats why i have been acting like this i walked to the bathroom werwe they were but didnt go in i stood and tryed to listento what they were saying

"why is daddy so mean "she said crying

'honey your daddys not mean hes just not in the mood now ''adraian said

"im scared of daddy "she said

"no need...."she said but then stopped when i opened the door mia jumped on to adrain

"come here baby girl '' i said putting my hands

she just shok her head no and wouldnt let me grab her

leave me alone i went to my room and sat in my room thinking about what i have done after an hour or two adrain walked in and sat on the bed "whats going on"she said

"i dont know whats happing to me ''i said drinking some bear

''you left a bruse all up her back why did you hit her and whats wrong with her ear it has a bruse to"she said looking at me
"I dont know why i did it i just get so mad and i go crazy,, what do i do I'm going crazy my own daughter scared of me "i said with one tear falling down my check

"Well maybe if you stop drinking and smoking that shit you will be better she said wiping my tear and taken the beer from my hand

I couldn't no more i felt like i was about to cry up a storm
"Imma gonna go get ready for bed

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