Chapter 5

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Mia p.o.v

We arrived and grandma 's house I couldn't wait to show her my new hair . my dad parked the car

"Daddy "I yelled as he walked towards the door without me

He turned around and walked towards the car door and laughed
"But baby girl you a big girl now you can do it by your self"

"But daddy I'm only five" I said holding up my five fingers

He laughed and took me out the car and I ran inside past grandma and aunt and went to play with my cousin Taylah

"Young lady get over here and say hi to grandma and auntie"he said a little mad but I kept playing with her and he said

"DADDY CANT YOU SEE IM PLAYING....GOSH"i said rolling my eyes

August p.o.v

She kept talking back to me and she wouldn't listen to me I got really mad and went up to her and pulled her ear
"When I say do something you do it okay and I didn't ask what you were doing go and say hi now Mia or when we get home your gonna be in trouble" I said still holding her ear

She started crying "okay daddy please stop your hurting me"she said crying more
I let go of her ear and whooped her on the butt "NOW GO"i said I don't know what got in to me I have never hit her or thought about hitting her but I think that's why he act how she is cause I let her do whatever ...she cried as she ran to her grandma and hugged her crying on her shoulder

"What's wrong baby" grandma asked Mia
"Daddy being mean he hit me" she said crying more
"Why did he hit you "she said whipping Mia's tears away
"Cause I didn't say hi "she stopped crying a little
"Honey cause you have to say hi you can't just walk in like that"she said to Mia I sat down on the couch next to mama

"Come here Mia "I said patting my lap

"Nooooo...... your a big meanie" she said sobbing

"Go honey he's not gonna hurt you"grandma said

"No I'm scared "she whispered in grandma ear I felt so bad now my own daughter was mad at me

The day went past and her Grandma loved her hair so did her aunt but the whole time we were there she didn't talk to me

"Okay come on Mia we got to get going "she grabbed her coat and put her shoes on said bye to everyone and walked right past me to the car

I said my bye and went walking right behind her she got her self in the car somehow and I went to put her seatbelt on but she grabbed it before I could and did it herself I got sad cause she was mad at me and closed the door and went to sit in my seat and turned on the cart he whole way home she was quite
We got home and I went to take her seat belt off but she had already done it she got of and walked to the door without saying a word to me I opened the door and she went right upstairs to get in her pjs

I walked in and told her to go brush her teeth because she never wants to do it but I looked on her bed and she wasn't laying there I looked over to her bathroom and saw she was brushing her teeth I toke a deep breath and walked out to go to my room and change I went to turn off all the lights and lock the doors and on my way back to my room I stopped in front of Mia's room I walked in and she trying to reach the switch to turn the lights off

"You don't need daddy to read you a bedtime story or a goodnight kiss "i said laughing at her

"Leave me alone"she said walking to her bed and getting in mad

"Come on baby girl you can't stay mad at me"i said sitting on the side of the bed

"Yes I can watch me" she said laying down she said still mad at me

"Look baby girl I'm sorry okay I shouldn't have hit you but you need to understand that you have to listen to me and stop getting smart"I said trying to get her to listen

She didn't say anything "I'm sorry I don't know what got in to me please forgive me"i said but she was already sleeping

I looked down to give her a kiss on her cheek she moved the other way and lifted her head "turn off the light on your way out "she said before laying back down

I just stood there she was so mad she didn't even want a goodnight kiss form me I stood there looking at her then I felt a lump in my throat seeing her ear red and my nail print in on her ear I walked out and said "goodnight I love you "but no reply I turn the lights off and went to my room

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