Operation "RATMOL"

110 3 0

At the entrance of SCP-QZ-6 "UNNAMED"


BALLHORN: "RATMOL X-1, fireteam "Cunhell" requesting to enter SCP-QZ-6."

RATMOL X-1: Understood, proceed with caution, fireteam CUNHELL. Triggers on.

BALLHORN: "Traffic received, proceeding with breach of SCP-QZ-6."

BALLHORN: "We have the GO, NVGs on! Fireteam CUNHELL. Breach!"


Ballhorn, acting as the breacher but also the last one to enter, gave the command and waited till 6 of his squadmates went in. They made an organised line of formations, in a singular vertical line. 

This continued for 6 minutes of slow paced walking.

"SHIT!" yelled out the pointman suddenly.


The team spread out and started shooting with precision, identifying a black square.

But it was too late.

4 of the 7 squadmembers were on fire, from an explainable humanoid entity. The human mind could not simply comprehend this entity, and just blacks it out.

 Ballhorn, briefly saw the scene the entity has made.  The 4 nearly-dead squadmates simply was burning in a white flame, generated by the black entity before concentrating on shooting the entity again. However, his NVGs could not register the movement of the entity, but also the bright flames severely blinded most of his view. (Bright objects blind NVGs)

"FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!" screamed a Zeta-9 operative before being burned to death alive by flames.

After a minute of the firefight, only Ballhorn was alive. "Alive." He was alive, but was burning in flames as well. He felt as his skin melted into his gear, but also his gear melting against him. He wanted to breathe, but he was sure his lungs were also on-fire as well. Simply put, everything on him was on fire by black flames. He felt the molten quality plastic and metal of his NVG burned onto his eyes, but he couldn't feel anything, cause his eyes were on fire as well. After a few seconds, which felt like hours, he blacked out.

He did not scream as he died. Mostly because his vocal chords were burning as well. However, it might be that Ballhorn wouldn't have screamed anyways.


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