Chapter One - Disgrace

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Hello people. This is Kellic_Jade_Ferard Im co writing this story. So yeah this is us and we're fabulous. The picture at the top has no relevance to the chapter, but it's funny.

Kellin's pov

I've always thought if you had a kid you should at least stick around to see how they turn out. But no thats not how my mom thought. She left when I was four. She left me with my asshole of a dad. It sickens me to even call him a father. It's like he isnt even here. All of the nice he had left when mom left. Now he is a abusive dick head.

When my mom left she took my brothers with her. She told my dad that I dont have any potential and I'll end up like him. Trust me if I end up like that I would kill myself. He is a horrible piece of shit who I really dont care about any more. Even the slightest amount of hope I have that he will stop is slipping away.

Anyways, right now im just sitting in my room waiting for the next beating. I have only one thing and its a ipod I saved up for. I had a job at a supermarket but I got fired. With the money I earned I bought the ipod.

I heard footsteps coming towards me. My door slammed open.

"What the fuck are you doing up?" He asked. I didn't respond. I just waited for the worst part. I still have hope that one day I will get out of here. I'm only sixteen though. So I have to put up with two more years of this bull shit.

As I waited for the first blow I heard a voice, not as physically spoken voice, but one in my head 'beat the shit out of him, he deserves it!' Even though he is more stronger then me, I listened, as his fist came rushing to my face I ducked and socked him in the gut, spinning around to behind him, in school I had learned that there is a spot, on the back of someone's neck, that if you pinch hard enough will calm them down. I pinched that spot as hard as I could, he squirmed for about three seconds, then fell out cold on my bedroom floor, I kicked him in the ribs so many times I broke three of them, that's about a fourth of how many of my ribs he broke, serves him right.

I heard a loud, angry groan. As I went to close my door, it swung open and hit me in the knee.

"You are a disgrace." He said. He swung his arm at me and struck my face. I yelled. It fucking hurt.

"Shut the fuck up you fucking fatass."

"I'm not fat you dont even feed me you neglectful piece of shit." It was true. He never fed me. He stopped caring when mom left. I never stood up for myself. But I did this once.

He stumbled over in pain. Again I felt liquid pouring on my face. I wiped my nose. It is blood. I look up and saw a fist coming at me. Everything went black.


Anything in bold its a authors note btw.



As soon as I got out of work as was walking home I heard a yell, so I went to check it out, the yell came from a house, and was very high-pitched. It was a yell of bloody murder. I walked for a bit until I found the house it came from. I just ran in, only to find a guy beating the shit out of his kid. The kid has black raven hair. Thin, but not to much. Beaten. I got my phone out and called the police. The man yelled in pain as the boy layed lifeless against the wall. My body trembled. The guy getting beat may have been cute, but not worth a beating, not yet. Anyways it's not like I'll ever see him again. So i ran out of the house.

I heard the sirens of the police. Hopefully they will take care of it.

Then the foster home called me to quote-end-quote "get my ass back right now or no internet for three days," and with that I ran to it, Internet means music, music means I don't "accidentally" cut too deep.

I walked back home in silence. Images of the raven haired boy stung me.

"Where the hell were you Vic? And why do you have blood all over your arms? Did you. . .?" My only friend, ironically, the foster home's director, Vitica, asked me, she was also the only one who knew about my cutting. She tried to get me to stop once, but I told her that if she tried again I would kill myself.

"Yes, I saved this really cute kid's ass, he only looked a year or two younger than me, he was getting beat-up by his asshat of a dad." she was also the only one who knew about my sexuality, me being bi that is. "He had blood all over his face, and that made me crave it." truth be told, it was only me, Tony, Jaime, my brother, and Justin here, so I didn't worry about them hearing.

"Do you know of the kid is okay?" Vitica asked.

"No I don't. I called the police so he should be okay." But I wasn't so sure, he was in pretty bad shape when I left, I don't know how long he had been beaten, don't know how long this had been going on, or how bad. But I had no intention of finding out.


I could hear the sirens in the back, but I knew it would be too late for them to save me, after my "father" beat me, I went in my bathroom and popped my razor, I had managed to keep from doing this sooner, but that was the last straw, I drug the blade deep into my arm, so deep that my fingers were touching my skin and the blade was stuck in my arm. Then someone burst in the room, but they were too late, I let out a gurgling laugh, smiling from ear to ear, happy at last.

*Unknown POV*

When Kellin dug that blade in his arm I took a sharp breath, wanting to help, but not wanting to be found. He can't know until he wakes up that I was the one that called, HE CANT!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2015 ⏰

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