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5th Block

Multiple lines of a flustered apology cover the majority of a page. Nathaniel smiles at the very guilt-written message, amused at what he can tell is a nervous breakdown. The letter pretty much explains how they kept forgetting their textbook, they didn't mean to pry into his business, and they're very sorry which was written at least seven times. A name is written at the end of the apology, Marc.

Marc, what a cute name. I really want to meet him.

Nathaniel blushes, thinking about what this cute flustered boy would be like in person. He writes back:
it's ok, you can use it
He draws a smiley face next to it, and erases it right after.
Ugh, that's so cringy.
Nathaniel scratches his head, debating whether he should draw a thumbs up.

Next Day - 2nd Block

Marc surprisingly doesn't forget his textbook, but still takes out Nathaniel's.
I just want to see what he replied to my apology. That's all, I won't bother him anymore.
it's ok, you can use it

Relief washes over him. I love Nathaniel, he's so amazing! ..Wait.. Gah! But, not like that! I haven't even met him yet. Flustered and blushing, Marc mentally slaps himself.

He just then notices the tiny heart thinly drawn next to Nathaniel's message. Madly blushing again, he scribbles in the book:
thank you!
Btw, your drawings are really good! Stunning, really
He adds his own light heart.
I also write so maybe if you ever want to get together or something and make like a comic boo- he quickly erases that.
What am I thinking?!

5th Block

When Nathaniel opens his textbook, he reads the flattering message about his art.
He said my drawings are good!
His face turns to the color of a ripe tomato, as this is the first time anyone has ever said this. He inches closer, squinting at something that wasn't cleanly erased.

Next Day - 2nd Block

The shocking words,
Yeah, I'd like to make a comic book. That sounds cool (•ᴗ-)
are written on the page. Marc's draw drops in horror, realizing Nathaniel saw and responded to his trivial question.
maybe you can write so I can see what type of writing style you have
Oh God, I'm gonna to faint.
With a nervous overload, Marc hesitatingly begins to write, overthinking every word. But soon enough, he forgets that a likeable boy will read his work. Enjoying the small story he creates onto the page, he starts to relax.

When he's satisfied with his work, Marc already feels anxious, needing to know Nathaniel's response.
I wish I could know what he says already. Maybe I should give him my number so I don't have to wait an entire day for him. No, no that's weird. He'll think I'm obsessed with him or something. Its not like I spend my entire day awaiting his answer yeah... Gah! But I want to give him my number!
BRRIIIINGG, the bell alerts everyone that it's the end of class.
Phew, oh well I guess it's too late.

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