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Let me just tell you something . Our thoughts gets us hurt and dangerous .
If you know than you know what im talking about. Same things , different things, and werid things. Everything happens and at times we dont know how to control how things are , and how to handle them and to be honest .I think the worst thing to have is not being able to control how we act of our Thiughts.Dont get me wrong there are good Thoughts , wonderful Thoughts But, there all not the same thoughts its scary, because they can control us at times and most of us that has delt with having a hard time with controling how we think.

Why? Thats the question why do we keep thinking and trying to get involved with our own thoughts. What else am i suppose to say about These thoughts that us humans cant control them at times and we just want to be let to rest and most of the time you think its silly.So yeah i do think that Thoughts gets us in a bad state of mind.

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