Living in his past

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Man lets just say it was kinda hard tryiing to thinnk on this one.NOt that i dont know why im writing about this but, because i feel as i will say something wrong in a wrong way .Does anyone get what im trying ot say?
I try not make my stories long and not too sad nor, not to boring and, messed up But here we go .

                 Living in his past is like living in a hell hole . AT times it feels great, at times it feels nothing more than something that i think of just a plain subject.Yes, his past was terrible, yes his past was scary, yes his past wasnt the best, yes his past wasnt make of gold.But, let me tell you something his past changed me,by not being in it but now becoming his past too. I was the one who heard stories about his past now i became someone of his past.I keep asking myself i  took a chance to write about something like this and the only thing i can come up with is that he deserves one more chance and if that chance is for me to tell his stories about how he was ,and why he was like that and why he is now that way, Than i will.

            I dont even know were to start the converstation about is past and why i became living in his past. Let me tell you i can be here all night telling you what happen and why it happen . But why explain about it when living in his past made me turn into a past . I became his past because i couldnt handle living in hell. I couldnt understand why a evil thing like that let his soul left himself.I wanted to become his future but it turn into his past . i kept trying over and over so many times and i gave my all to him and gave him hope and time and nothing was working.But he also wasnt that evil and wasnt that bad. He was that way before i came along , than he changed and like any other person he went back to the same stuff and that was because, i turned him into who he used to be.I wasnt that perfect either i wasnt evil too and i am ashamed of it everyday but , i know things happens for reason. And there was so little i could take in because i knew i shouldnt be in that type of way. But , dont get me wrong i miss and will always remember of the memeroies and everything that had happen with us will alwyas be with me and that i am blessed but for now i remain living in his past.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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