Log 3: After Break, Present Work, Past Accident

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After all of the days of my break "they" gave to me, the manager told all the happenings when I'm away. He said that Julius reported that Fazbear entered his surveillance office of the diner, just staring at him and standing in front of him, that gave him the creeps and didn't look at the screens because Fazbear might do something to him. So our manager favored me to check him, I checked everything but in the backbone part, a spark from a weired box occurred, and also a servo that reads "night mode" and as to the box reads "Power Duplicator 9000". So I asked the manager about these two, so he answered that these two was the new improvements to the entertainer, a servo that disables him and the duplicator between 8 PM and 6 AM. And the duplicator thing is for saving money and for bringing down the expenses for electricity. After this statement, to ensure Julius's safety he wanted me to join him for a night.

As I watch the cameras in a room filled with film tapes. I saw Fazbear twitching, yes, twitching, or should I say moving, so I looked carefully and a green light from the duplicator, means it's working past 1 AM, and I'm confused as to the manager's statement early morning, it will not work between 8 PM and 6 AM. So I was concerned for Julius's safety, wish that the servo will be fixed immediately and somewhat a safety switch if needed.


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