Log 11: Early Planning?

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Very early this morning, "they" called me for a reminder about "their" special meeting after lunch next week.

So while I'm taking a shower, I was thinking about the meeting's subject, and why are "they" calling it "special", is it about the diner, or creating a new diner to seal of the excessive fear of children going to "their" diner? I don't know, but I'm clearly sure that Fazbear has to have a part in it, or a new star of the diner, of its advancements in technology.

So maybe if I show "them" Fazbear, because I will, "they'll" be amazed about its improvements. Its color, program, chips and other stuff.

I called my friend Julius about the meeting and asked if he know anything, and said no. This is where the time of waiting has started. I waited calls from "them", but none came in. So do Fazbear, well I'll call him Yellow Bear because, it's in the name, have any relevance in this meeting? Who knows!


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