What Is The Whole Deal With It?

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  "Come on Emma, don't lie to me, you have the screwdriver", Donnie said as I handed him his tool. "MIKEY!", Raph yelled from his room and stormed out. Donnie and I peered around the edge. "Stop going in my room!" Raph yelled at Mikey. Leo pulled each other apart. "Ladies, ladies, please", Leo said calming them down. "Hey guys!" Yellow said walking in. "Yellow!" Mikey said running up to her and hugging her. "Mikey!" She said. "Hi Yellow!" I said and hugged her also. "Ready to be beat in a game today?" Mikey said. "I think it's the opposite way around", Yellow said. Mikey and her grabbed the tennis ball and went near the entrance of the lair to a wall for a game of Wallball.

  My name is Emma Hamato. I'm the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' sister. I'm 15 years old and live in a lair in the sewers with my brothers and Sensei, Master Splinter. They all love and care for me. I'm training to be a female ninja, or Kunoichi, with their help. I love hanging out with them and My friends, Linnea, April, and Yellow. Tuck is Linnea' s twin and they are both 17. April's dating Donnie, and Yellow' s dating Mikey. Leo and Raph are both single for some random reason.

  I went into my room and shut my door. I needed to think for a moment. Many opportunities have come and I have accepted them all. I sometimes was too busy to think. I sometimes pondered about what others were doing. I remembered Linnea had a movie shoot today. I got up and walked out my door. I was almost out the entrance when Raph grabbed be by my shirt. "And where are you going?" He asked. "To my friend's movie shoot", I answered and he smirked. "I don't think so", he said and threw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "H-hey! Put me down!" I said. Leo walked out of the dojo. Raph set me down on the tattered couch. Leo sighed. "It's 6. We're not letting you out if here. Its dangerous", Leo said. "I'm 15! I can handle myself!" I argued back.

  We then heard a large scream. It was a joyous scream, yet it sounded like Donnie. The three of us ran into his lab. Mikey was looking at an envelope. "Dudes! She's gunna be a star!" Mikey said handing me the mail. I opened it. Inside was a letter. I read it out loud:

Dear Emma Hamato,

  Hi! My name is Jamie. I am in a Broadway production called, "Into The Woods". We are still casting this, and we wanted to know if you would like the part as Little Red Riding Hood. If you would please give us a call. Our number is with your brother. Thank you and we hope you have a good evening.


Jamie Hathaway

  I finished reading as set the letter down. "You wanna call her?" Donnie asked Hanson  me his t-phone. "Yes!" I said and called her. We planned an audition for tomorrow at 8:00 in the morning. I was too excited. That evening, I practiced the lines that were in the envelope and some songs as well. I couldn't wait for tomorrow.

  "I can't believe that you're gonna be on stage in a costume performing!" Mikey said as I paused on one of my lines. Leo turned around from the couch and looked at Mikey. We heard a loud noise come from the dojo, it sounded like a yelp. I tightly held my script and ran in the dojo.

  I saw Donnie being sat on by Raph. "Thanks for going easy", he said and got off him. "Ow....", Donnie said rubbing his head. He then noticed Mikey, Leo and I all staring. "I sparred with him", he answered. "Mikey!" Raph yelled. "Did you eat all the cinnamon rolls again?!" "No!" Mikey said licking the last of the icing from the cinnamon roll off his finger. Raph tackled Mikey and Donnie, Leo and I all sweat-dropped.



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