Deo meets Tommy

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           Deo woke up early in the morning and started to make himself breakfast. He made eggs and bacon. After he was done eating breakfast he rushed out and got into his car. Once deo got to the asylum he parked his car and walked inside. Deo walks up to the lady working at the front desk says hello. "Oh hello, you must be the new care taker of Tommy. Just to warn you though he does flirt with most of his care takers and he is insane he tried to murderer one of his old care takers," the lady said. "He did what!?" Deo asked with fear and and scares in his voice. "Yes but we took care of that by tying the boys hands together so you'll have to feed him and do everything he has to do with his hands." "His room is to the left room number 105." Deo starts to walk to Tommy's room. He opens the door and see's a boy laying on the ground with scars all over his body. He ran up to the boy shook him to wake him up. "Hey Tommy are you okay bud," Deo asked with worry in his voice. Tommy sat up and looked at him confused. "Who are you?" Tommy said with confusion in his voice. Deo said "I'm Deo your new care taker nice to meet you bud."

            Tommy just looked at him in fear thinking he was gonna hurt him like his last one. Deo was confused on why Tommy looked so scared but Deo just hugged Tommy. Tommy flinched of being hugged. Tommy has never been hugged, Tommy then hugged back and got a small grin on his face. As Deo started to let go of the hug Tommy smiled at Deo which made Deo blush. (TOMMY IS 20 IN THIS STORY I AM NOT SHIPPING A MINER). "Tommy I'm gonna get your breakfast ready, I'll be right back." Deo says with joy in his voice. "Okay Mr.Deo." Tommy said with sadness in his voice.

          As Deo was walking to the cafeteria to get Tommy food and say so many people with blood all over them, but the bad part was that it wasn't there blood it was their care takers blood. 'Insane people killed them and ate their own care takers god just to imagine that is scary enough' Deo thought in his head as passing by them. once Deo finally god to the Cafe he grabbed some breakfast for Tommy and started heading back to Tommy's room. Deo got to Tommy's room to see him sitting in the corner with a pure red face like he was bluhing. Deo looked at Tommy in confusion. "Uh Tommy why do you look like a tomato, Not to be offensive or anything!?" Deo said with confusion and worry in his words.

            "I uhm-I just- I just was painting myface see I whipped it off now heh heh." "Now where's my food Mr.Deo! I'm hungry!" Tommy said with an bossy tone. Deo gives Tommy his break fast and was about to leave and said, " I cant eat myself Mr I have no hands Gosh?" " Right sorry!?" After Deo finished feeding Tommy, Deo got a call and told Tommy he had to take it. Deo left the room ad the door closed Tommy started to turn red again. 'Shit why does he have to be so hot its so hard to hide not being attracted to this Deo guy' Tommy said in his head. 'I just want to kiss his lips they look so soft, and his eyes are so mesmerizing. His pure white eyes are so pretty like clouds on a summer day'. Tommy slaps him self 'KNOCK OUT OF IT HE'S GONNA COME IN AND SEE YOU LIKE THIS STOP THINKING OF HIM'. 

             Deo walks back in to see Tommy to have wings sticking out of his back and horns coming out of his head. 



YOOOOOOO First story and its 672 words woooooooooooooooooooooooooo

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