My Best Friend's Brother

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Ok. This is how I'm gonna start this. If you have siblings, you will understand. Siblings don't like sharing things, anything, from food to game consoles. No two (or more) siblings like sharing things.

I am speaking from experience. Here's a story:

When I was about 7 or 8, my older brother asked me to get a DS for Christmas, from our grandmother. This grandmother was especially distant, and really rich. She was a cold heartless bitch, but that's a story for another time.

My brother was, and still is obsessed with pokemon, and I was too at that time. I mean, I still am, but not to that extent. I mostly did it because I always wanted approval from him. So I did what he asked and told my grandmother that I wanted a DS. My brother asked for one too. The plan was to play together on two separate DS's

On Christmas, she sent it through the mail, under the tree with our name on it was sitting a white DS Lite. Apparently, my rich grandmother wanted to cut the corners and figured, "Hey, they can share it!"

No, we did not. It was more like who can hog it most.

I did not. Most of the time my brother had it. Why? He was older. As the younger sibling, you watched your older sibling play the video games and you would never get a turn. On occasion, I would get it. And I would play Strawberry Shortcake on it.

Fast forward to summer camp. My brother and his friends where playing the latest game. Mario Kart on the DS. It was multiplayer and up to eight people could play at once.

I was hanging with my friends and my brother was hanging with his. I decided to go see what my brother was doing. Normally I would see him watching the movie with us. Instead he was playing, with OUR white DS lite, in Mario Kart.

I ended up threatening him that if he didn't let me play, I was gonna tell our dad that he took the DS out of the house without permission. He let me play and I ended up losing so bad that it took me twelve minutes to complete the second lap. My brother was pissed off at me that I made him lose his championship with his friends and we started fighting.

To end it quickly, I bit him, he punched me, we got sent home and we both were in trouble.

Moral of the Story: Siblings don't share things.

So why on Earth will they share a person? A best friend?

If any of my friends dated my brother, I honestly would be beyond pissed. Why? I just lost my friend to my brother, my best friend.

I don't care if my brother is happy as the high guys in Colorado. (No offense to people to live in Colorado) I just lost the person I was closest to since I was a child or a year. That person knows all my personal stuff, things that I may not want to tell my family. I just lost my closest and most valued person to me. My brother can not just swoop in and snatch her/him from me or I will seriously flip some shit.

It fucking bothers me stories like My Best Friend's Brother ((this is a generic title)) when the best friend is totally okay with her friend dating her brother.

Not everyone is okay with sharing with their sibling. If you write a My Best Friend's Brother story, think about how you would reacted. And if you are and only child... IT SUCKS TO BE YOU!... Jk, keep this in mind.

Ok. But some people may be okay with it. (Weirdos). But in reality, you lose your friend either way.

If your brother and your friend break up, you kinda have to pick a side. But you can't betray family or a friend.

If that doesn't happen, it becomes awkward to talk to your best friend. Like, I don't want to hear about the "sexy" things my brother does. Wtf? Don't bring that up to me. As a result, the conversation is limited and your friendship starts to drift anyway.

So, a Best Friend's Brother is literally a never gonna happen situation.

Same with Brother's Best Friend.

I just want to say that when I originally wrote this, almost two years ago, I did care if my brother dating my best friend (because I was so immature at that moment in my life). But now, being older I do not give a flying shit who my brother dates and if it's my best friend. Like let me sleep and eat food. I don't want drama lol. So please stop telling me I'm jealous or selfish. Take a look in the mirror before you judge someone for stating their opinion, IN THEIR OWN BOOK.

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