Author's Note

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Hello JATC readers!

I am so so happy to continue the story with you all! Thank you for all the support received, you mean the world to me <3

If you have not read/finished Just Around the Corner, it is heavily important to do so in order to understand these short stories (and these chapters could include spoilers). I'd recommend you give it a read then read this book.

Each chapter will include a summary so you understand where in the story/timeline the one-shot is taking place and the very chapter it follows/came from.

Majority of chapters will focus on either GeorgeXCassandra or Fred and his love life (as the twins are my loves).

Not taking requests but I am open to suggestions. I already have a few scenes planned out for the collection but if there are scenes you wanted to see from a different point of view, side characters you wanted to see more of, scenes that were mentioned but not dwelled upon....really as long as it somehow focuses on JATC and/or the characters in the fic..I will consider it! Feel free to leave some here -->

When I say "JATC related", I mean that. If you want more of Cassandra's time at Hogwarts while dating other people, her friendship with Luna, Fred and George doing stupid long as it is related loosely to Just Around the Corner. Feel free to comment whatever you'd like to see here, all ideas are valid and worthy of consideration. Please be kind to all responses. (Another chance to comment ideas) -->

I most likely will not be able to take all suggestions. This book is my way of not letting go of JATC just yet (since I'm so attached) and a filler for while I figure out what to write next (Or while I start organizing and planning a new fic)!

Smut will be included in this book but most likely not every chapter. It can be challenging/draining to write. It will be present in this book so if you are not comfortable with that, I suggest not reading.

I will not have a schedule for posting one-shots here. I will notify followers when I expect updates or grant you all little surprises. I am not guaranteeing one post a week. It could be three posts in one week then a bit of time off. It just depends on when inspiration strikes, which cannot be rushed. I will not simply abandon this work, at least not without warning. I cannot promise a set number of one-shots, that really depends on everyone's interest level: you, the readers, and mine.

All possible trigger warnings from Just Around the Corner apply here as well, since I can pull from any aspect to write about for this book.

This is meant for mature readers due to possible explicit and mature themes. Please keep this in mind.

Also, this is a safe community. I value, respect, and love you all. I want you to know, you matter, you are enough. Whatever you are going through, you are strong and not alone. Please be kind to one another, everyone is fighting their own battles, whether you see them or not.


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. (800) 273-8255 Nacional de Prevención del Suicidio. (888) 628-9454

National Domestic Violence Hotline (866) 331-9474

National Eating Disorder Association (800)931-2237

Text Crisis line: Text SUPPORT to 741-741

RAINN (800)-656-4673

! Not all of these are possible triggers or heavy themes in JATC or IADD, I just added some I thought were important !

The triggers I'd like to mention again for readers discretion include (COULD INCLUDE SPOILERS FROM JATC):

-Violence towards OC




-Drugging/ Alcohol use

-Issues with family

Thanks again for being here! I'm so excited for you to read....In a Different Direction

M (Miss M, Madame M, Mistress M, etc.)

First posted: 11/26/21

Completed (no longer taking requests or writing):

In a Different Direction || A One-Shot CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now