the legand of spyro the eternal night part 2

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For the first time in a long time no more fighting no more running for I know who I truly am I am the red fox who would one day save the world or at least sometimes that's what I think but I learned something if you love something you will never stop fighting for it that quote has always been for the one I rescued cynder is free and a new age is beginning or at least that's what I thought one night I had a dream in my dream I saw a big stone with a foxes head and in it's mouth was a portal but I never went inside because something in me was trying to stop me for coming in then I went into convexity and I saw myself fighting cynder while she was still evil and I watched her fell to the ground and I saw my spirits went inside her and I saw the dark masters powers left her as she turned young again and I saw myself picked her up and left and as I was leaving I heard a scary sound saying my name and that's when I woke up and it was still night and when I looked up the sky I saw 2 moons coming close to each other and as I was looking up at the sky sparx came to me hey spyro some night huh beautiful what is it you want sparx huh Why do i have to want something I'm just ready to begin the best day ever now that the evil_psycho she fox is gone what? Cynder? What do you mean sparx calm down big fella gosh your awfully tense hmm haven't been sleeping much? You should listen to volteer tell on of his stories that'll put anyone to sleep sparx what happened alright you ready I get up to get some fresh air...since I don't sleep much myself these days with uh... Female of fright hanging about low and behold there she was sneaking out into the garden oooohhh she gives me the creeps dude hear my teeth well come on we have to find her it's dangerous for her to be outside of the temple at night it's dangerous for any of us to be outside at night besides ignitus said you have to wait for your powers to return cause your weak no time for arguments come on ah you'd be helpless without me so I better come with you and as spyro went into the temple she saw the big fox statue with it's eyes glowing in the dark and he saw ignitus...cyril...volteer...and terrador..sleeping quiet we mustn't wake them what I can't hear you with all this snoring so spyro went outside the temple and went in the dark woods and he saw toadweeds monsterous toads but they were small so spyro walked pass them then he saw cynder walking alone cynder what are you doing out here? It's dangerous you shouldn't have followed me spyro well that's good enough for me see ya huh please don't make this harder for me than it already is I'm just trying to understand I'm leaving spyro I don't belong here after all I've done what I put you through what I put all of you through I just can't stay cynder nobody blames you for what happened huh I do speak for yourself sparx no sparx is right and everyday I'm reminded of it spyro your place is here your destiny is here but mine is somewhere out there for me to find cynder I don't want you to go goodbye spyro and cynder left in the darkness of the forest now can we finally get some sleep around here I've been sort of half sleeping with one eye open for weeks now...alternating eyes of lessens the strain but I tell ya it's taken a toll hey was this twitch always there? Hey spyro you ok buddy and spyro fell to the ground passed out hey I want to sleep too but I didn't mean now let's at least get back inside it's dark out man and I don't like it hellow anyone home yohooo and spyro fell asleep but this was no ordinary sleep when spyro woke up he was in space and a voice was talking to him but nobody was there hellow is anyone there do not be Frightened young fox you are not alone who are you what is this place I have sommoned you here so that you might be warned the celestial moons are counting down and time is running out and spyro started to hear scary sounds make it stop and everything stopped moving how did that happen? The red fox can wield many abilities that others cannot including time itself learn to master this ability and you will be able to see things almost before they happen
But use this gift sparingly only when circumstances demand manipulation of time is not to be done without the utmost care you seem to have abandoned your true calling it is your destiny to harness the powers of the elements yet you possess not I haven't been able to use my abilities for some time now yes right now your powers lay dormant within you let's see if we might not awaken them and spyro went into a fire portal clear your mind spyro and feel the fire that flows through your veins allow it's heat to consume you and breathe with it now rise up and release the fire storm within you and spyro rose up and made a big fire attack excellent spyro your a natural but now that a primal fire rages inside you show me you have command of it and there appiered 5 silver armered monsters and spyro blasted them with fire and lava then he went on a hill and there were 2 big fox statuses and he saw a mother portal and the voice spoke to him again you have done well but now it is time for you to return but be careful spyro the ememy approaches wait you still haven't told me who you are you shall know me as the chronicler seek me out and spyro woke back up something is happening space I can't explain it no kidding while you were catatonic this whole place has been hooting and howling listen what is that and out of no where bombs were dropping everywhere what's happening? And rocks began to cover the temple...the temple is under attack the others are still inside sleeping we need to get back are you crazy you want to run towards the danger well then we're going to have to find a nother way in come on ugh I like you better when your sleeping and on top of the temple they saw zombie apes with glowing eyes  hey ugly ape guy oohh ooh ooh now that we've exchanged Pleasantries can we fight or at least you can fight and I can watch and all the zombie apes fan after him and spyro sprayed them with fire and moved on but then there came crystal spiders and they were poisonous so spyro had to fly away as possible before they see him and as they were walking they saw a big zombie ape and 2 zombie dogs and spyro made a big fire blast killing them all but as they was walking for miles with Lot's of enemies they finally made it to the others and he saw ignitus attacking the zombie apes but the apes were all over ignitus get down here young fox we need your help  but as they were heading to help ignitus they saw a black armered beast riding a big black bat focus your attention on the red fox your on your own on this one fella this one? How is that different then the last one or the one before that prepare to die huh? He said something about preparing to die...either that or he wants you to prepare a pie and the beast was throwing arrows at spyro and spyro was throwing bombs at the beast and one of the bombs hit the bat and the beast started to slow down you haven't seen the last of me and the beast flew away I'm just going to assume he said it was great meeting you and have a nice which case we thank you as they was walking they saw ignitus is everyone alright where is cynder? So they went to look at the pool of visions to see it they can see her see anything ignitus no I can't see where cynder has gone just darkness wait a minute cynder darkness aren't they the same thing What's this? Something is coming into focus this is Beculiar I see the base of a great tree...amidst a lake of mist and gloom A tree I've seen that tree in my dreams...only they usually feel more like nightmares young fox you've been keeping secrets what is it you see in these dreams of yours I'm sorry ignitus I thought they would go away  but they only get worse relax spyro think I keep seeing a mountain drapped in shadow...a face of stone beneath 2 moons and darkness the mountain of malefor when terrador said that the lights of the temple started coming on and off whoa am I the only one that thought that was weird there was another but it was more like I was seeing into the past and the future all at once...and there was a voice calling himself the chronicler that's when I saw the tree impossible yeah no kidden there isn't even a storm the chronicler? What don't encourage him I don't believe it either I've not heard that name in ages nor has anyone but there is no way that spyro could have known this is fascinating  who is the chronicler? The chronicler is a ancient fox of immeasurable wisdom though I've only heard stories in fact I've had  my doubts as to legitimacy of the tales yet now I am left to are we all but if it is true it is unsettling that the reemergence of the chronicler would coincide with an attack on the temple...not to mention these other visions that spyro is having yes very...tales of the chronicler are often interwoven with tales of doom oh goodie I was afraid we might have to spend the rest of the night without any more doom then after that they all looking up at the sky it is only a matter of time ignitus we've all felt it a great evil is on the horizon perhaps...but we must not rush to judgment this evening has brought about many unexplained things we may not have time ignitus the celestial moons are almost at an eclipse this we know for certain we must prepare for the worst the night of eternal darkness draws nigh if night means soon I'm out of here your instincts though faint of heart are true we are no longer safe here this recent attack is likely the first of many the forces of the ape king Know of spyros existence and will not rest until they witness his demise...I'm afraid terrador is right as uncertain as things are none of us can remain idle and watch as our worst fears unfold before us volteer you and cyril must go to the mainland to learn what news you can terrador make haste to the shattered vale and warn the inhabitants of that region that darkness is spreading in malefor I shall stay here and search for cynder these are dangerous times for a fox to be wondering about may our ancestors look after us and keep us these dark times what should I do ignitus young fox you must traval by another path and seek out the tree in your dream if the stories of the chronicler are true there might be hope for us yet...and I think I know where to begin There is an ancient grove within the forest at the end of the silver river it is a secret place untouched by civilization the waters there are poisonous as well As the creatures who are nurtured by it...but you shouldn't encounter any real danger trust your instincts I shall be waiting for you here at the temple when your task is complete so everyone left except ignitus so spyro and sparx went to the creepy forest and there were eyes glowing everywhere oh yes lovely he always sends us to the nicest places come on sparx it's not that bad well sure if you can ignore all the evil beasts and visions of doom and eternal darkness which sounds lovely by the way oh and the fact that we now get to frolic through the magical creepy forest in search for some stupid tree what's not to love? Your psyched let's go so spyro was walking for hours and he felt confused what are we doing here? I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to be looking for I think we're lost hey have you tried these moths yet they're delicious sparx don't eat that we don't we don't even know what it is Nonsense they're perfectly edible then spyro heard something so they hid themselves and there came pirate badgers alright maggots time to spread out don't bother sharing anything smaller then a scurvy wing...Skabb only wants prize fighters this time...and double the bounty for the one who captures arrborick this isn't right ignitus said this place was uninhabited we must have taken the wrong turn well then I guess we just have to turn back but as they was walking spyro tell asleep again and the badgers heard them aye it came from over there go see what it is and sparx went to the badgers so they wouldn't see spyro hello fellas so how is everyone today hahaha little bug isn't much bigger then a dograt hey who are you calling a bug you crazy eyed mangy droll mutt get him and the badgers were after sparx while spyro was sleeping and spyro woke up in space again it's cold here chronicler are you there? I've done what you asked of me but I'm afraid I'm lost As long as the spirits of the ancestors are with you you are never lost Calm yourself spyro and cool your thoughts do not let your fire control you there are other elements at play here the power of ice also moves through you just as the chilled winds whip through your wings let it expand and spyro went into a snow portal and spyro done a big snow and ice attack I knew you'd remember life seeks out balance young fox and one who can master fire and ice is truly powerful in the shifting face of danger so spyro went up the fox mountain again to see the chroniclers portal ok now what? What is it you want me to do I think I'm already entitled to know what's going on you already know what is happening of the great evil that is awakining but there in more that you must understand and the chronicler showed spyro a vision and he showed him the well of souls I've seen this place before it scares me this is an evil place spyro it is called the mountain of malefor asylum to the wandering phantoms and lost spirits of those who have turned to darkness but to the spirits themselves and the black hearted it goes by another name the well of souls and in the darkness he saw goul the ape king heading to the well of souls and then he woke back up sparx? Sparx where are you and spyro saw sparx getting chased by pirate badges ohh spyro im out of shape what have we here arrr first catch of the day and then they were after spyro but everyone knows you can't take down a power fox so spyro destroyed them with fire so they went back in the forest and walked for an hour and then they saw a beautiful tree is that your dumb tree it's beautiful can we go now this feels like the right place but...I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do here wonderful on just going to wait over know give you a few minutes maybe there's a lily pad you forgot to sing on or a rainbow you can talk to hello I'm here give me a sign or something and the tree went into the ground and came back up into a tree monster uh its my turn to pass out your on your own buddy...oh brother and the fight was on the monster tried to hit spyro but he was to fast and spyro sprayed fire on him but the monsters health grows stronger so spyro used giant bombs and the monster fell and stood back up so spyro used all his powers and the monster fell down but again stood back up but then spyro threw a sharp ice crystal in the monsters heart and the monster fell down the waterfall what the...oh you killed it we came all this way just so you can kill it oh spyroooo I am the mighty treeee...calling you from across the voiiiid journey hither and vanquish meee...yeah I don't think I was supposed to do that wait you don't think that was the chronicler do you? And they saw something far away out to the water it was a big ship and the ship came to them and the door opened and they saw a big golden badger with 2 owls on him at last the red fox who's been wandering lost in the ancient groove you've been quiet a nuisance to us whoa..what's with the Gargling nitwit? If I were you I'd shut my mouth I ain't going to say it again sparx maybe you should stay out of this one yes mind yourself And to speak your earlier that isn't the chronicler whoever that is that was arborick and he was going to be the main attraction to our tournament and now its ruined gosh I really feel bad about that oh really no need for'll do just fine what does he mean by that and one of the badgers hit sparx and spyro in the head and when they woke up they were in the ship locked up swing low sweet chariot coming forth to carry me home wawawawawa...sparx must you do that well maybe I do must I do that and you know it might be just crazy enough to work...come on spyro put that sorrow behind you and clap your hands with me let the joy come pouring down rain on me and you while sparx was getting on spyros nerves mole yair came to them mole yair? Spyro is that really you old friend its me where are we can you get us out you are on skabbs ship and will likely be made to compete in the arena fights like the other prisoners i too am a prisoner here as are as many of my kinsmen mutual we moles are too frail to make for worthwhile entertainment so we are made to serve grog to these scavengers mole yair you have to get us out shh we'll talk later someone is coming so mole yair left and the golden badger came to them I trust your living quarters are to your liking I don't know my roommate could be more fun though I thought I told you to be quiet fool and you...get ready to fight its hurting time baby I really I mean more than really hate those birds and they took spyro to the fighting ring and there were 200 badgers fiends and felons scoundrels and swindlers Welcome to the first event of the evening tonight we bring to you a very special battle sure to quench your thirst for brutality enough of this jibba jabba let's bring on the pain entroducing...a creature both rare and powerful...a creature of might and magic prepare yourselves...and feast your eyes...on spyro the red fox and they opened the gate to let spyro out wow? If we weren't about to die I'd say this is pretty neat I've got a bad feeling about this ah it's just the butterflies in your stomach trust me I know and his've seem them before and loved them we offer you none other then the twins of terror themselves the blundertails and there came 2 scorpions with bullet's on there tails and the scorpions were shooting at spyro but spyro shot bigger bombs at them and squashed them great crowd huh? I wonder if I can get them to do the wave...well done well done indeed step forward little fox and receive your glory but as spyro was walking he fell asleep again you waiting for someone to move you boy don't just stand there...this ain't no puppet show oh no not again Don't worry there's nothing to see here it's all under control and allow me to entertain you with the healing power of love while we wait um...uh..swing lowwww..i can't hear you come on swing low sweet what's the matter with you all? You stink and spyro woke up back in space again you've come far young fox What? Ignitus said you would help me but you only led me on a path to no were our path through life is not always the path we choose sometimes our paths are chosen for us...and it is our deatiny to follow it wherever it may Lead and spyro went into a green nature portal be steady spyro and use the power of the earth to feel your way so apyro done a big earth attack and rocks started to fall to the ground the power of earth and nature is a mighty one for as the earth moves so does everything in it be mindful as you wield it so spyro went back up the fox mountain once again I want to know what is happening I've done what you asked of me and followed your path yes but a time will come when you will have to follow your own path...and you are not ready open your eyes and the chronicler showed spyro another vision and he saw apes going towards the well of souls why are they going towards it? Because it there calling the black hearted creatures of this world cannot resist it's temptation the well of souls beckons them as the night of eternal darkness approaches What is the night of eternal darkness? It is the night when the celestial moons come together in a great eclipse that shrouds our world to darkness The well of souls is the pinnacle of it's terrible shadow...sturring the spirits of the decease from there eternal rest permitting them to roam freely within the halls of the mountain...if only for a short while and soon the night of eternal darkness will be upon us...find me in the celestial caves of the white isle...and spyro woke back up and one of the owls came to him get up lazy fool it's time to bruise not time to snooze know..I can't even look at disgust me they you and me both pal don't touch me and they took spyro back to the fighting ring are you ready for more then without further ado...please give a haaaarrrty welcome to spyro the red fox and his apponent needing little introduction...the captain of crunch...the prince of pain himself...the one and only...ravage rider and there came a robot shark and the shark tried to chomp him but spyro was faster and spyro threw bombs at him and one of the bombs went in the sharks mouth and his head blew up hahahaha we totally rock maybe now we can ask for a room upgrade and the badgers threw them back in prison can we at least order some room service sparx we need to get out of here something terrible is going to happen I know if I don't get some food I am going to freak out I got it...why don't you shoot some sparkly magic out of your mouth and blow the gate up and spyro saw mole yair again spyro you are in great danger I have a message for you from another prisoner here take it dear friend...there are whispers going about the ship...word of your captivity has traveled quickly many of the prisoners are uneasy they say the ape king himself has place a bounty on you...and   all of the foxes these are dark times but know this you have allies I look forward to the day when we can meet hunter of avalar...well that was thoughtful I particularly like the part about the dark times and the danger and one of the badgers came to spyro it's show time and they took him to the fighting ring once again guests of the arena we have exciting news for you regarding one of our combatants...shall we bring him out? There is a rumor about that this little fox may be of great  importance what say you fox? What greatness can you offer? The only thing great you'll be showing us is great pain being out the exicutioner and there came out a gold armered monster and the monster was swinging his big sword and spyro flew on top of him and he threw big rocks and bombs and they fell on the monster and then the monster fell off the ship and a big shark ate him well well it appears we are amongst greatness this little fox has defeated everything we've thrown at him but fret not oh faithful fans tonight we have a special bonus match spyro the red fox versus...the former queen of nonquer herself cynder and there came cynder walking to spyro aaah i told you she was evil hehe look my eyes twitching again just like old times huh spyro cynder I'm not going to fight you...relax I'm just trying to put on a show for the croud while we figure out what to do don't trust her she wants to eat me and out of no where 100 big bats were throwing bombs on the ship and the ship was on fire what's happening?  Get away from me help and one of the bats caught cynder and took her away spyro this way there's an opening I think things just got more complicated  good I was afraid that escaping the burning ship would be too easy while spyro was looking at the other ships he saw mole yair mole yair the ship is under attack we have to get off this thing spyro please my companions are still being held prisoner...and the chamber gates are locked we'll need to find the key OK sit tight I'll come back for you so spyro was trying to find the key before the fire gets worse and he saw the key hanging up on the wall so he got the key and opened the gate so mole hair and his friends got on a small boat OK mole yair your safe get far away from here thank you very much I hope we can meet again...perhaps under better circumstances hmm? Good luck mole yair hey that guy just gave me an idea why don't we get off the burning ship not yet we need a map to a place called the white isle...and I think I know where to find one you know I hate you right so spyro was looking in every ship to find the map and he taught every badger that was in his way and he saw the captains room and when they went in they saw lots of gold and treasure whoa...look at all this stuff oh sure take your time look around its not like we're about to plummet to our deaths in heap of flaming...alright you've made your point let's find the map one step ahead of you buddy and they finally found the map but something else found them it's the golden badger well if it isn't the red fox we hope you weren't thinking of leaving yeah we got a score to settle chump hey who are you calling chump you fool you...its astounding the amount of trouble you've managed to cause you've only brought it on yourself you ganna let him talk to you that way uh huh shut up fool and fire the cannon and the fight was on and spyro tried to spray the gold badger with fire but he had a lot of armor and the badger tried to hit spyro with a giant hammer but spyro ran fast and flew up and knocked the golden badger down but he stood back up and then the badger started shooting at spyro but spyro was just too fast but the golden badger sprayed fire on spyros face and the badger hit spyro to the ground and he got a big sword and started to kill him but spyro stood up and hit the gold badger in the face and the gold badger grabbed his gun and shot the window to escape this is where we part long chump and the badger pouted in the air and flew out the window what is that even possible so spyro chased them in the air and the badger went on another ship and they saw spyro coming after them sucker you just don't know when to quit do you...well then you don't know us too well I quit all the time...sorry I thought that would sound cool and the fight was on again and the golden badger started to swing his sword and spyro was throwing big rocks and bombs at him but he didn't fell and then the badgers sword was on fire and he had a fire rope and he was trying to hit spyro but spyro sprayed cold ice crystals and his fire went out and the badger started to get dizzy and the badger fell in the water and he couldn't get up because of the armor so he sunk to the bottom but the owls were still alive that ain't nothing we don't need him to take out this chump I pity the fool that messes with us welcome to the world of hurt and sparx hit the owls and they flew away hoooaah that felt good so sparx and spyro was on there way to the white isle did you see me back there I was like bam and he was like oof and...which reminds me where are we going I didn't really get a very long look at the map but there's gotta be some sort of landmark sure..I'll just keep my eyes peeled for the flashing sign that says spooky moon temple oh no...please tell me your just pulling over to use the bathroom and spyro fell asleep while he was flying and he fell in the water and he woke up in space one last time something's not right why is it so dark here? Can you hear me? Is anyone there? I wanna know what has happened to cynder...a flash of lightning is born of the sky and it's tempers young fox you must learn to control your own emotions if you are to tame the free spirit of electricity surrender to its erratic nature allow its energy to charge through your body and anticipate its movement...thank unleach it willingly and spyro went into a yellow electric portal and he made a big electric attack..this power is accentuated by your impulsive nature trust your instincts spyro so spyro went up the fox mountain one last time OK I completed your test what do I do next? How can I find you are you there? Great now the voice in my head is ignoring maybe I'll just take a peak and spyro looked inside the portal and he saw cynder in thains and the apes were taking her to the ape king so...the traitor returns you can't go through this gaul...hahahaha nothing can prevent this we are nearly here to welcome our master back into the realm and join him at his side but fear not've been such a faithful servent im sure he'll take you back and if not you have the honor of being the first to perish by his hand long have we waited long have we suffered but soon our master will return and his coming shall bring forth a new age of power for the apes...and we shall have our revenge hahaha...and spyro woke back up and a big turtle got him out of water what happened? Well let's've been hearing voices in your head and had led us all over the place...which has been great because we're having so much fun...and now were stranded in an enchanted island and I just can't wait to see what happens next wait...I think were here..oh goodie and when they walk in they're were jellyfish they had to hop on to get on the other side and when they went to the other side there was sand and they heard a female voice talking sacred threshold... hallowed ground...pathways unfold...lost is found...prove your worth with quick and earth electric fire what I'm hearing voices what does that mean how would I know wait I'm having a thought nope nope yeah nope nevermind I got nothing we must have missed something come on let's look around as they were walking they saw a bright white portal hold on I think we found it hello is anyone there hey if there is could we you know not wake it up...Because everything we've met so far is trying to kill us and they heard the female voice again expose your heart to summon ghost...then face alone what you fear most I knew it this place wants us dead we should have turned back while we had the chance I need to do this sparx yeah? Go ahead expose your heart and see what happens wait don't do it you can't leave me behind in the whacky moon temple...with all the whispering walls and the creepy thingies...they wanna make me part of their freak show and spyro went into the white portal and he was in the future and he saw an elemental fox it was elemental cynder and the fox was fighting back and spyro used ice earth electric and fire he used all his powers. To defeat it and the elemental fox vanished and spyro jumped out of the portal and they went in the last door and they saw a big lamp and 500 books wow what's this? I think its a magic wishing lamp hello genie you in there this is incredible the entire history of the fox race it looks like its all here it is well most of it the records in this hall date back to the beginning of time nearly and spyro finally saw the chronicler he had greyish skin and glowing eyes chronicler? Is that you? Yes spyro it is i and I have been waiting for you oh well I hope we didn't keep you waiting too long we got a little held up back there...with the uh...well you know...riddles of doom it was a necessary evil I had to be sure spyro I haven't had any visitors in my solitude for over a thousand years shocker try getting rid of the psychedelic fox outside you've been here that long oh yes...but I had my books and I watch wait and listen for things to come and than add them into the books of time you are also written in the books as well...many pages are still left incomplete I am? Can I see of course you can this one is yours look and the chronicler pulled out a red book and when he poened it he saw the ape king  you've seen this hideous creature before why is he in my book it was Gaul who led the raid on the temple the night of your birth when ignitus rescued your egg...and when they took cynders yes...that was mostly unfortunate oh and is little sparx hey nobody needs to see that never...wait can these books tell the future in parts though just glimpses of the future really then I want to know what will happen to cynder spyro you don't understand...please I need to know very well but hers is a darker tale and the chronicler pulled out a black book spyro you must understand when she was taken by gaul she was poisoned and corrupted made to do the dark masters bidding her entire life has been spent in shadow she knows no other way and when the dark master returns...she will concede no one can resist the temptation...not even the strongest among us I don't believe that spyro let me tell you another story there was once a fox long ago whose raw power was far greater than anyone had ever  seen or... Could imagine at first he mastered fire...which was odd because he was not a fire fox then came ice and Wind...and other abilities none thought this story sounding familiar to you? It was a red fox like me..the first red the beginning he was encouraged...and secrets of elemental mastery were passed into him willingly by the elders but his power...was knew no boundary he consumed...everything when he would not stop he was cast into exile and from his new fortress within the mountain he built an army...not of foxes but apes and taught them to artificially harness the power of the gems...our life force...your talking about the dark master..yes..and in his dark seclusion the sheets weight of his malice cracked the very foundation of the mountain splitting the earth creating a pit of despair...where the lost souls of this world could reside the well of souls created by the very beast who now seeks to escape it...but you said that the eclipse would only allow the spirits to escape for a short while yes but if there was ever a spirit powerful enough...then how do we stop it? There is no stopping has been written then why have you called us here I don't understand to ride out this storm...where you'll be safe...and live to fight another day what about the others? what about their safety? I fear the worst for the others...and cynder? Am I just supposed to sit here and do nothing while she joins them? Let me field this you keep talking about choosing a path what about cynder? She was never given a choice I have to try...I'm going and you can't stop me then...I won't..young fox I've waited far too long to watch you leave here stricken with grief and doubt you'll need a clear mind and a pure heart if you are to withstand the evil that consumes that place...I know this is not the path you would choose for me but I have to walk my own path...and do what I know is right so be it spyro I will show you the way but you must hurry the dark hour of the eclipse is near...and haste will be your only ally alright then...well..uh just so I know why I died...the plan is to wander into the land of darkness to face an evil army of evil creatures that will want to kill us so we can try to rescue Another evil creature that has already tried to kill us? I'm pumped let's...let's do this so spyro and sparx was on there way to the well of souls and when they got to the land of darkness it was too dark to see your hands and it was snowing hard and they had to hop to one rock to another Trying not to fall sparx you don't need to come with me I won't think less of you if you stay way and to miss the opportunity to live out my worst nightmares so spyro and sparx moved on but as they was getting close to the well of souls they saw the big bat once again hahahaha time to feel some pain ahhhhh he wants to eat my brain actually he said its time for pain really? Whew for a second three I thought I lost you buddy and the beast was throwing bombs and fire at spyro but spyro was throwing bigger bombs at the beast and one of the bombs hit the bat in the face and the bat and the beast fell down and spyro looked into the sky and he saw the celestial moons getting close to each other and he knew he was running out of time but they finally made it to the top and there was 5 huge fox statuses with glowing eyes and there was 900 candles and the candles led to the well of souls so spyro followed the candles all the way to the top and he finally made it to the well of souls and he saw a golden portal that leads down the foxes mouth what is this? it looks like the entrance to a horrible pit of dispair of which we will probably never escape but we should probably go inside to make sure he's so weird so spyro went into the portal and when he went in it was dark where are we the better question is what's that smell and out of no where green smoke blasted from the ground and there stood gaul the ape king And he had a crystal stick in his hand hahahahahaha....the little whelpling its fitting that you should be here well bare witness of the dawn of a new age...and the failure of your pathetic race of foxes...I wouldn't miss it gaul then please have a seat and gaul stood up and shot spyro with a spirit taizer which is poison to foxes and spyro fell down and felt dizzy foolish fox you are no match...I made it this far haven't I? Yes you've been quite elusive had I but known that all it would take would be your miserable amity for cynder how tragic really...that she should be the one to destroy you and cynder came out of the darkness and threw spyro to the ground ahhhh the nightmare never ends you don't need to do this cynder...same as last time huh spyro same as last time line me up with his staff and spyro thought that cynder was going to charge at him but instead cynder charged at gaul but Gaul caught her this isn't over and gaul threw cynder to the wall and she passed out and the other apes was going to fight spyro but Gaul didn't let them don't touch him the whelpling is mine and spyro was still a little dizzy and he saw gaul on a clift and he jumped down and he had 2 big swords and the fight was on and Gaul ran to him and started to swing his swords at him and spyro threw bombs at him but Gaul threw it back at him and Gaul started jumping trying to step on spyro and slice him but spyro was faster and spyro sprayed fire at Gaul but he missed and Gaul hit spyro to the ground and spyro threw big rocks at him and Gaul fell to the ground but stood back up and Gaul shot  lazers from his eyes but spyro made a big power attack he collected all his powers and shot Gaul and he fell down hard but Gaul still stood back up your time is over fox hahahaha..and Gaul jumped really high but Gaul went through the wall and fell down and his crystal stick broke and the celestial moons came together and the golden portal grew bigger and spyro fell in it and his fur turned dark black and his eyes turned pure white and Gaul was spinning around so fast that he made a tornado and spyro went into the tornado and he threw big bombs and big rocks and they all fell on Gaul and he fell down...what are you waiting for fox? finish me hahaha coward hahahaha...and Gaul was trying to get to spyro but spyro kept breathing fire and than spyro did a giant spirit attack and Gaul turned to stone and cynder woke back up and she kept hearing something at the bottom what's happening down there? Spyro you down there you OK buddy and spyro rose up with his fur still black and his eyes still white and he was still stuck in the portal oh no...spyro stop whoa calm down man its me I...I can't and cynder threw spyro out of the portal and spyro turned back to normal what have I done you're OK spyro your with friends im sorry I couldn't stop and out of no where giant rocks started to fall the well of souls was starting to break oh no that's our only way out come on nows our chance just go...get up spyro we're not leaving without you usually I would say ignore her but she's making sense this time but while spyro was trying to stand up more rocks covered them oh no we're Trapped get close to me now and everything was falling apart so spyro made a protection crystal and they went inside the crystal so they wouldn't get hurt while everything was falling apart and spyro heard the chronicler talking to him and he said...young fox all our hope now lies with you when you wake up it will be a different world...but know this you are not alone you have allies

but know this you are not alone you have allies

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the end...........part 3 coming soon

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2021 ⏰

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