Just Be Yourself

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Jennie's POV

"Jennie!" Mom called for my attention. I am staying with her and Irene for the moment because I'm feeling lonely these past few days.

"Yes mom?" I said looking at her while mixing the cup of coffee I'm holding. Coffee is really not my thing but I feel like drinking it since I miss Jisoo so much, I guess coffee is a Jisoo-thing.

"Jisoo is up for a live interview." She casually said as she look at her phone. Wow! That's new. She told me before she doesn't like live interviews. "I know you misses your bestfriend so much. That's why I'm telling you ahead of time, so you won't miss it. At least you'll get to see her. It will start at 9pm." She said now smiling at me and wiggling her eyebrows.

"Omaaa! it's just 11am now, come on." I said to stop her from whatever she's doing right now. "What? I'm just saying. If you're not interested then don't. I'll watch it." She said with a smirk on her face and proceed to the fridge to take something out. "Of course I will! She's my bestfriend, I won't miss her first live interview." I nonchalantly said and rolled my eyes. She just chuckled while repeating the word "bestfriend". I'll just pretend that I don't hear that cause my mom might be a bit crazy or sick, lately she'll just make a suspicious face and say whatever she wants to tease me.

"Believe what you wanna believe baby. Always remember, the heart wants what it want, even when the eyes are not willing to see." She continued and walked up to the stairs. That's deep but it's not for me. Then I heard my phone ring, it's Kai. We're exclusively dating but we are not together. Yet. He's a good guy with manner, kind with elders and kids too. But it's just something that is missing, the spark I think? But, if you reach my age, you won't hesitate to say no to him, because he's a stable man from any aspects.

Kai: Hi babe. Wanna grab some dinner later?

Jennie: I'm sorry Kai. I have something to do today. But tomorrow is good I guess.

Kai: Sounds good. I'll pick you up tomorrow. Can't wait to see you babe.

Jennie: Yup, me too. See you soon.

"Someone smiling like an idiot." Irene suddenly appeared from nowhere wiggling her eyebrows. "So what is it this time? Oh wow, coffee. I thought you hate the smell." She asked sitting at the chair in front of me. "It's Kai. He invited me for dinner, and coffee oddly tasted fine today" I casually said. "So, you will a date? How about Jisoo's interview? It's her first live one. What is wrong with you? Choosing a date that can be whenever it be but not your friend's first live interview?" She said with a high tone.

"Woman, can you calm down and let me finish my sentence?? Of course I said no and I won't miss it, you witch." I replied to her. She immediately smile and patted me on my shoulder. "Good. Now if you want, let's go to the mall. Let's buy some snacks for tonight." She said. She always gave me a vibe that she's not really comfortable with the idea of me being with Kai but she's didn't say anything so I might imagine it in my head.


"What the fuck are they taking too long?" I said frustratedly as I throw the remote on the sofa. "Omoo Jen, you might break the innocent remote! Woman, chill. The show is starting soon." Irene said and pick up the remote.

Well, the whole family is here waiting for Jisoo's first live interview. Jisoo has been close to my family since I can't even remember. My mom sometimes treat her better than she treat me and Irene. Urghh, perks of being Kim Jisoo. But I was shocked when Jisoo's name appeared with our photo on as her call ID, I mean she's about to have an interview, why is she calling me? I pick the phone up and walk to the kitchen area. But before I stand up I saw the look on their faces, they were smiling like an idiots. OMG, I'm living with bunch of idiots. "Really Jen? Why are you going there? It's just Jisoo that calling you, don't need to be secretive. We wanna talk to her too." Irene annoyingly said and I just gave my middle finger to her.

As soon as I answered that, Jisoo's husky voice welcome me. "For Christ sake Jendeuk, what taking you so long to pick up?" She said. "Sorry Chu, I can't take my eyes off of the TV, I can't wait for you." I sweetly said. I heard her giggle a bit but nervousness is still there. "Why'd you call? You'll be out in any minute now, you know?" Then I heard she cursed. She is really nervous. "What if they grill me some stupid questions? What if they don't like me? What if they don't--" She babbled. "Jisoo baby, STOP! You'll be fine. Breathe in and breathe out like you always taught me. Close your eyes and think of something peaceful to make you relax." I said as I am doing the same thing.

Her face was the first thing that came into my mind as I closed my eyes, and she's the one that I hope to stand in front of me when I open my eyes. I do really miss her I guess. "Wow, it really worked! I thought it just work for you." She shouted from the other line and brought me back from my thoughts. "What were you thinking about just now? Is it something really peaceful or you're thinking about party and chicken?" I teased her.

"Jennie..." she said in a low tone but I heard it. I assumed that she called for me and waiting for her to say something else. "Jennie, it's you that I think about earlier. You're annoying but you're my charm to calm me down." She said. I immediately felt my cheeks burning. Silence filled the air for some time until, "Well Jen, thank you, I am calm now." She said breaking the silence moment.

"You're always welcome Chu. And don't forget, even if they don't like you, I will, you dork. Just be yourself, you are lovable. If they ask you stupid questions, I will burn the broadcast station. Face my wrath, you bitch." I said. "Thank you for always standing with me Jen. Well, I better go now. Love you." She said. "Hwaiting Jisoo and I love you too." I said and off the call. Then I look at my wallpaper, it's the same photo of Jisoo's caller ID, photo of us, looking at each other.

"Jen, hurry your ass up. She's coming out now!" Irene shouted. This lady really love to shout. Jisoo's wearing a all white tux and pair it with a skirt. "Gosh she's really hot wearing that!" Irene exclaimed while I said nothing and just look at Jisoo in the TV. She's smiling, I miss that smile. I didn't even realize that I'm smiling too. "Don't drool over her baby." My mom teased me. Really, I'm living under the same roof with annoying people. I mean, who would not?? Look at her, even blind people will drool over her. What she didn't know was Irene secretly took a photo of her and posted it up with a caption "Someone is drooling over you rabbit!!"

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