chapter 2( the silencer)

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" Ranboo...? Are you awake yet...?" Ranboo could hear the faint voice, but couldn't make out who, he got a little scared that this was a new voice in his head.

"wh-whos..."Ranboo didn't dare speak much, but once he did, he felt warm arms wrap themselves around his ice cold body. All his muscles relaxed when he realized who the voice belonged to.

" Ranboo, oh thank god, I thought you were dead!" Tubbos voice cracked into a cry, he started to cry into Ranboos shoulders. Ranboo felt bad for the small guy. He had to fight the voices, so they didn't take Tubbo away from him. 

" Its ok Tubbo, you're safe..."Ranboo whispered, on hand behind his head, the other on his back. Ranboo closed his eyes, as they began to turn blue, as his emotions decided to pick saddness, and weakness.

*thank god you're safe..* Ranboo thought.He couldn't let the angel in his arms die by something horrible.

another voice came in, saying something about breaking up, and letting Ranboo sleep. But ranboo didnt want Tubbo to go. He felt safe with him, even tho Ranboo was stronger, taller, and wiser then Tubbo, he still felt safe with him around.

"Bye Ranboo, get some rest." Tubbo said, with a faint voice of sadness.

"Bye..." Ranboo said, knowing, that he could just, say no, and have him come back at his comand.

"Ranboo, do you remember what happened, before you...passed out?" The doctor asked, looking at a peice of paper.

" I... The voices... they...." Ranboo spoke about the voices, and stopped. He froze, his eyes growing wide.

"Ran-" The doctor disappeared in an instant. Ranboo gave out a quick startled scream, and quickly sat up.

"why did you speak of the voices?! You know what was gonna happen!! WHY!?" The voice yelled at him in power and evil anger. 

" no! I-...I forgot!" Ranboo said, his knees up to his chest, his face hidden behind his knees.

"I didnt mean to!"Ranboo whimpered, he knew something bad was gonna happen, but he didn't know what.

" You need to keep you mouth shut... So that's what i'm gonna do." The voice said, growling in his head.

"Wha? No! No please! I didn't mean to! N-" Ranboo got interrupted from his begging only to be silenced.

" See? I can control you in anyway I want, and you cant stop me." the voice said with an evil chuckle.

Ranboo tried to yell, but nothing slipped from his mouth, except silence. His eyes turned dark blue, filled with sadness and fear. He knew that he needed to do something to get his voice back.

* h-how, do I get my voice back...?* Ranboo asked in thought. He knew that his voice wasn't silent in his head.

" Only.. if you speak..." The voice said, in a dark voice. Was this a riddle? if so, how would he speak, with no voice.

" only three words..... I picked the words, you must guess them, but don't say them to me, say them to someone else." The voice said, then vanishing. Dream and Tubbo came in, to see Ranboo sitting with his knees up to his chest, eyes full of fear, and breathing heavily.

"Ranboo?! Ranboo are you ok?" Tubbo asked, running beside the hospital bed, reaching for Ranboos hand.

"Ranboo.....Talk to us..." Dream said in a clam voice. All ranboo could do was was just sit there, and shake his head.

"Ranboo its ok! What happened?" Tubbo had a shaky voice, his eyes, trying to hold back tears, and shaking slighty. Dream came over to hold Tubbo.

" NO! GET OFF ME!" Tubbo yelled, pushing him off. Ranboo snapped into attention, seeing that Dream was hugging him tightly, so he couldn't escape at all.

Ranboo eyes turned red, and he leaped at Dream, making him loose his grip on Tubbo. Dream fell on his back, Ranboo, pinned him down, his knees on Dreams shoulders. He pulled out a knife, his eyes still glowing red.

" R-R-Ranboo? what are you doing?!" Tubbo was behind him, starting to cry in fear. 

"Ranboo~! you know what happens if you hurt one of the members.... right?" Dream gave off a smirk,he didn't struggle, he didn't scream, he was good with how he talked, and his tone in his voice. He could make people scared with one word.

Ranboo fell back,letting his knees off of Dreams shoulders, his eyes light purple, meaning he was in fear. Dream got to his feet,  with Ranboo in his shadow. Dreams eyes glowed green with anger, as he walked slowly towards Ranboo.  Ranboo crawled backwards, his ears down, his heart beating heavy.

" DREAM!!! no!" Tubbo cried out, making Dream stop walking, but still stare at Ranboo with hateful eyes.

"He almost killed me! I should at least give him pain....." Dream said, holding a firm grip on his knife, staring down Ranboo, who was looking  back and forth from Dream to Tubbo.

"Please! dont Dream...I beg you..." Tubbo whimpered, looking up at Dream with tears streaming down his face.

everything was silent, except for Ranboos heavy breathing, and Tubbos sobbing. Ranboo crawled over to Tubbo, and held him tightly.

" Ranboo..." Tubbo sobbed in Ranboos arms, shaking slightly.

"I love you..." Ranboo finally spoke, His heart jumped a beat when he realized what he said, and froze. 

Silence swam around them, Dream seemed disappointed, as if he enjoyed to have a mute Ranboo. He gave Ranboo death stare, then stalked out, not giving a damn about the feat he put into Ranboos mind.

"Ranboo I-..."  Tubbo sat in Ranboos arms, his tears dried up, and his breathing slowing down. He didn't know if he enjoyed these words, or if he felt like he didn't feel the same.

" You don't have to say anything Tubbo....I'm sorry..." Ranboo said, with. Pitch of sadness and pain in his voice, he began to let go of Tubbo, but Tubbo quickly grabbed Ranboos arm.

"I love you too Ranboo! don't go! I love you!" Tubbo stuttered, but still got the word out, he then felt as if hundreds of weight lifted off his shoulders. He felt alot more free.

Ranboo stood on shock, but a smile soon spread across his face, and pulled Tubbo in a hug.

"Ranboo, what happened....?" Tubbo asked

"I can't remember..." Ranboo said, ad he clearly remembered what happened.

"So the man finally stood're quite wise you know.. saying that, as if you knew what to say... But now you put Tubbo in more danger... because hes now a loved one..." The voice was back, and he sounded so powerful, ranboo knee he made a mistake,the voice tricked him into putting Tubbo into a dangerous spotlight, all Ranboo could do was try and keep Tubbo safe, even tho Ranboo was the actual monster here, not the voice.

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