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"Fucking idiot!" I slammed my fist against my desk then stood abruptly. I started to pace my office as I gripped my phone tightly.

"Can't get any fucking thing right. I outta slit his throat and gauge his eyes out. Asshole. I gotta do everything myself." I huffed and shook my head. I grabbed my keys and coat then left my office, locking the door on my way out.

The hallways were quiet except for the constant click of my heels as I strutted down. I glanced at my watch and felt even more frustrated. Wait till I get my hands on that son of a bitch...

I turned left and quickly pressed down on the elevator. My feet tapped impatiently but I felt somewhat relieved as the elevator doors opened. I pressed one and waited till I reached the lobby. I got off and ignored the greetings and bows from my employees. I rolled my eyes then exited the doors of my company to my car parked front. After checking out myself in the mirror, I put on my shades then roared the engine to life and started for home.

My phone rang and I rolled my eyes when I saw the ID. I accepted the call through my car and instantly regretted it.

"Rose I know what you're thinking but please calm down, I'm on it."

"Oh shut the fuck up Javid. I'm on my way home and I better not see your bitch ass there either before I fuck you up. Can't even listen to fucking instructions. Useless. You're all USELESS!"

"Rose I-"

I heard enough. I hung up then put on some music to ease my tension.


When my car pulled up to the gates, I removed my sunglasses to scan my eyes. The gates opened and I sped up the driveway and hurriedly parked. Jumping out the car, I ran to the porch and bust through my front doors.

I quickly made my way upstairs and rounded the corner to the sounds of barking. I sped walked to the far end of the hall and slammed the door open.

Javid jumped startled and immediately started walking towards me. I held up a finger and started quietly counting down from ten. My therapist would be proud.

"Can you please kindly explain why the fuck you're still here when I specifically told your ass to leave?"


I didn't let him finish. "And why the fuck were you unable to follow simple instructions and had to make me leave my office to fix your fucking mistake?"

This time he stayed quiet. Good. "Answer me damnit!" I snapped. I'm bipolar so what?

"Rose you-" I gave him a look and he corrected himself. "Boss, I tried but she won't listen and Clara was unable to make it today."

I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Did she give a viable excuse?"

"Yes it was an emergency. She's going to send a detailed email for you later today."

"Okay fine but I did prep you for times like these but your dumbass still couldn't get the job done. Move."

He stepped away and I walked towards the house I had erected for my baby. I knocked on the door and called to her. "lulu baby mommy's here."

I crouched down and watched the little door open. I patted my thighs and she instantly ran to me. I picked her up in my arms and ran my hands through her soft fur. "Did the bad man treat you poorly?" Lulu looked in Javid's direction and gave a low growl then a bark. I shot Javid a glare. He raised his hands, giving me a sheepish look.

"Don't worry mommy's here now." I gave her a quick peck and brought her over to her fluffy bench. I beckoned for Javid to come over and showed him how it's done.

"You have to use two thumbs and slowly massage her lower back anti-clockwise but not firmly for two minutes. Then you have to gently flip her onto her back and slowly massage her belly, this time with your left fist for five minutes. When that's done, rub both her ears for a minute each then give her a quick peck like so." I pecked Lulu's snout then picked her up and brought her over to her feeding station.

"Throw these out will you and refill them." I had my hands outstretched for a minute too long so I looked at him just staring at my Lulu.

"Don't make me repeat myself.."

At that, he shook his head then grabbed the dishes and refilled them.

I stood up and watched Lulu eating happily. "Now what in that you just couldn't understand ah? Had me leaving my office just because you couldn't massage my baby right before she eat." My West Indian accent more prominent than usual.

"Rose how the hell am I supposed to remember all that. She's just a spoiled brat."

I wrapped my hands around his throat and gave it a tight squeeze. "You do not speak about Lulu in such manner. Got it?"

He didn't answer as his face was starting to turn blue. I squeezed it again and he managed to nod his head slightly. "Good."

"She has gastric issues and the massages surprisingly help her. So don't call her spoiled. She's just moody and needs attention and extra care like her momma."

"I hope Clara's available next time cuz I'm pretty sure I won't be able to do it again."

"Bird brain. And you know how I get when it comes to my Lulu. I don't play."

I gave her one last glance before walking towards the exit, beckoning for Javid to follow. Now that Lulu was fed I felt relieved. I get so worked up when it comes to my dog because she's my everything.

"Now that that's out of the way and I'm already home, fill me in on the situation." We rounded the corner and down the steps to the kitchen where I grabbed a water. I sipped slowly while Javid began to speak.

"Well Amario and Alex brought them in some hours ago and they're in the basement tryna get some information outta them."

"Hmm." I screwed the cap back on and placed it on the counter. "They successful?"

"Nope not at all. Torture don't seem to be working. They just won't talk."

"Well then, they just haven't gotten the kind of torture that'll let them talk" I smirked and headed for the basement.

"You're gonna do it aren't you?" He chuckled slightly. I turned to send him a wink.

"They don't call me Briar for nothing."

We appeared before the heavy steel door and I quickly scanned my hand. The doors opened and Javid and I stepped in. I swear I could never get used to this smell. The musk, the mold, scent of rotten flesh. Here just smelled of death.. literally.

We passed countless cells and I refused to look into any. When we arrived at the one where Amario and Alex were at, the guards bowed their heads and parted so Javid and I could enter.

I stared at the scene before me and licked my lips. I'm about to have fun with these three.

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