2 *6 vs 1*

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Rin and Momoi were the last to arrive at the basketball court. "Ehh what took you so long Akibacchi? We've been waiting for you for hours!" Kise complain like a little kid who finally got his turn at the carnival ride. "I think you all are just too excited to play against Rin, we arrived on time, you were the ones who were early," Momoi said checking the time on her watch. "Whatever, let's play!" Aomine said enthusiastically as he ran onto the court with a basketball in one hand and signaling for Rin to follow with the other.

"What's all the fuss about?" an unknown voice said from behind. "Oh hey Aka-chin your late, anyways we're just getting ready to play a prodigy in basketball," Murasakibara said lazily, finishing his second bag of fish chips. "Yup, and by the looks of it, not even you would be able to beat her! Also, why are you so late? Didn't you say that we would meet up at the courtyard 20 minutes ago?" Aomine said,  stupidly mentioning the fact that Akashi would lose. Aomine meant that with good reason as Rin was the only person who could beat him without touching the ball, but these words had unknowingly triggered Akashi, for now, he wanted to see if she could actually be as stellar as all his friends described her and beat him. Of course, she couldn't, she was just a pretty face who looked like one lap around the court would be enough to drain her energy, Akashi thought.

"I was late because of all the paperwork there was due, anyway, I'm joining this game whether you like it or not, I wish to see if she is actually a prodigy and can actually beat me or not," Akashi said walking over to take a closer look at her. Then something surprised him, as she turned her head, he saw that she had the color of his mother's eyes, ruby rose, which meant that she was something more to her than just a pretty figure. Akashi remembered how his mother seemed kind and gentle but she was much more than that. She wasn't vulnerable and had a sharp tongue when it was needed. More interested in her than ever, Akashi joined the court and signaled for Momoi to start the game.

"Alright, it'll be Rin against all 6 of you, First team to get 15 points wins, any objections? Welp, even if you do have any objections, let's stick to this plan as we don't know how much our Empress has improved." Momoi said, followed by Aomine explaining how Rin had beaten 12 teenage boys at once when she was just 7 years old. After that remark, no one had any thought of complaining the teams weren't fair, but Akashi was almost crazy impatient for the game to start and for Rin to make her move.


As Momoi threw the ball up into the air, Aomine caught it quickly and dribbled towards the hoop, passing it to Midorima who took his chance and threw a three-pointer. Then as the ball went up into the air, Midorima realized that the ball had disappeared and within a few seconds, everyone heard the thump of a ball going through a hoop, the hoop opposite to where Midorima had aimed for. Midorima could have sworn that he threw the ball towards the hoop in front of him, how could have the ball end up in the opposite hoop? He looked around and saw that all his friends were also stunned in amazement, even Akashi. 


Then Momoi started to laugh at the boys, holding her stomach for support. "Haha, you actually fell for it guys, you actually fell for the Invisible Air Throw! Haha." "What?" Everyone said except Aomine who had put his hand on his face when he realized his stupidity. "It's when the opponent steals the ball mid-air and throws it while they're still airborne, I should have known that Rin was going to do that for Midorima's three-pointers," Aomine explains to his shocked team. 

"But, she did it so fast, I didn't see a thing and I could have sworn that I didn't blink my eyes at the time," Kise said, stating his surprise. "It must have been because she used misdirection, that why none of us saw her do it," Kuroko said amazed that Rin could use misdirection so perfectly. "Huh? Misdirection? I thought you only could do it so well Kuro-chin" Murasakibara said not fazed anymore. "It seems that Rin can easily replicate, if not perfect any one of our skills, as she threw a three-pointer from such a far distance and she did the whole skill airborne," Akashi said not surprised anymore but still very interested in what she could do. 

"So you mean Akibacchi's got my special skill? Yay!" Kise said jumping up and down like a child, but was interrupted when Midorima said, "No idiot, I believe she has her own set of special skills, and making a move more perfect and clean than before is not at all like your stupid skill." Smacking the back of Kise's head to finish his statement. "Owwe" Kise grumbled. 

"Well? Are you all done arguing about how Rin is so awesome and talented? Let's resume play before our Empress dies from boredom." Momoi said annoyingly as she looked at each and every one with a piercing gaze that showed she was serious. Then she turned her head over to where Rin had been sitting down waiting for all the commotion to end and said, "They finally finished their arguments, they're ready to continue playing." Momoi said as Rin walked back to the court where she had previously defeated the "Generation of Miracles" effortlessly.


"15-1, Rin wins, Yay," Momoi said cheering up and down. On the left side of Momoi was where all the boys were gasping for air (Even Akashi who was the only person who scored during the game), and on the right was Rin, standing there as if nothing had happened and she didn't just completely destroy the "Generation of Miracles" all at once. The game had gone by quickly, faster than both sides had expected. Even with Kise not trying to fall behind, Muasakibara trying to block Rin from scoring, and both Kuroko and Akashi's efforts to stop and outsmart her, it was as if Rin was playing with a bunch of rocks, so slow and stupid.

huff* huff* huff* "You were awesome out there Akibacchi, but maybe next time, be a little easier on us." "Ye Aki-chin, don't jump that high," Murasakibara complained, opening his third bag of fish chips. Both Rin and Momoi chuckled as they heard the teammates complain. "You were really awesome out there Rin, I didn't know you had improved so much! You must be hungry, let's all go out for some lunch. You 6 losers are paying for it!" Momoi said while grabbing Rin by the arm a little too hard and dragging the rest of the team along.

Rin smiled as she followed Momoi out of the court and thought to herself of all the times when she had won. Maybe, just maybe, she would be able to find that person who defeated her 14 years ago and take revenge, settle the score, and win, but to do that, she was going to have to be stronger, smarter, and better than ever before. Until she was perfect to the very tips of her black ash hair, she wasn't going to let any distractions get to her.

Yokie sooo, that's chapter 2 for you. Hope it wasn't too bad. I think it was okie soya. Don't worry, I will get into the rivalry between Rin and Akashi soon (won't say no more), think of these chapters as base chapters. Anyways, the story is moving at a slow pace but don't worry, it won't be like 50 parts, or maybe it will... next chapter is gonna be about lunch at somewhere haven't figured out yet, but don't worry, it'll be fine. How do you about how I portrayed these characters? Always tell me if I made them like not act like themselves as I haven't watched the match between the Jabberwocky and Vorpal Swords (sry) I have only seen the three seasons of KNB. See you, humans, soon, maybe...


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