You Mean The World To Me

765 37 14

apologies in advance
also, if there are any suggestions about what I should do once this story ends, I will gladly accept them.


The quiet tenseness that had settled over Summer's hospital room was quickly broken when the alarms on the vital monitors began going off. It was the first time that Callie and Arizona had panicked hearing the sound but then again, they weren't exactly in doctor mode in this situation.

They were in parent mode.

"She's in respiratory arrest," Dr. Hunt, who had quickly entered the room, reported, "I need to intubate."

Arizona and Callie had seen and performed intubations before. They had done it so many times that they could both probably do it in their sleep. The procedure was something they were incredibly familiar with.

They were terrified watching it this time.

"I'm in," Dr. Hunt announced and everyone's eyes flew to the screen of the monitors.

For a moment, the stats stabilized and Arizona silently let out a breath of relief. Just as she did so though, everything plummeted and the alarms went off again.

Dr. Hunt cursed, "She's in cardiac arrest, starting compressions."

The same nurse who had kindly explained earlier the medical jargon to Callie and Arizona despite them being doctors efficiently escorted the pair out of the hospital room. It took everything in them to not fight back. They so desperately wanted to be with the teenager but also knew that they needed to give the working doctors space to do their job.

It was only Arizona and Callie in the hallway, the corridor eerily empty. They couldn't even see what was going on now after a nurse pulled the blinds shut. The of them stood in front of the window though, their eyes burning in search of anything.

"What happened?"

The doctors turned their heads quickly to see Alex standing, a cup of coffee in either hand. Forehead creased, he hastily handed off the warm beverages to Callie and Arizona before yanking the door open and barging in.

"You can't be in here Karev," Dr. Hunt said authoritatively and Arizona and Callie cautiously peeked through the door to see that he was still doing chest compressions on the unconscious teenager.

"Like hell I can't!" Alex retorted but before he could go on, Callie had grabbed his arm and dragged him back out into the hallway.

Alex was angry and ripped his arm out of the ortho doctor's grasp with a little bit of struggle, "What was that for!"

"They're saving her life," Callie said through gritted teeth, "They are in there saving her life right now so you're going to stay out here and let them do that."

Alex shook his head but didn't say anything. He paced back and forth before suddenly turning to the wall behind them and slamming his palm into it.

"She called me!" He was in tears at this point, "She called me! I promised her I'd pick up and she called me and I didn't pick up!"

"You can't blame yourself," Arizona's voice was soft. Anyone could hear the fight of holding the tears back in it, "She called us was...we were-"


The word that never left her tongue.

Anyone with any kind of logical reasoning could see that none of the doctors were to blame. How could you blame them for not picking up their phone because they were in surgery or because they were tending to patients? It didn't make any sense.

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