How Rude!

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Everest POV
I wake up to the feeling of smothering, but it's wet... I open my eyes to see our dog midnight sitting on my chest licking my face off.
"Gross" I say while picking her up and lightly tossing her on the floor.
"WOAA" I scream. I look down seeing poppy lying on my fuzzy mat I made.
"Before I know I'm sleeping on your floor, now I know nightmares on my melons . After I wont have no melons at all!" Poppy shouts.
"Ok first of all the dogs name is midnight and second are you drunk?"
"Duuuuuude, this looks like my bear coat I lost in Narnia last month ago!" Poppy said staring down at my mat. Oh god.. I guess she's not getting that coat back.
"What time did you get home last night?"
"1 hour ago!"
"But it's 10 in the morning! Where were you all night?!"
"Ah just around town."
"Well don't you have an interview this afternoon?"
"Haha I do! But I need to pee now."
"Well hurry I need to shower. I'm going for coffee at 2 with some friends."
"You have friends?!" Poppy slurs. I don't bother answering her as it will probably end in a fist fight. (Stared by her. Just saying...)
I watch my crazy drunk friend stumble out of my room into the bathroom. I may as well get my outfit ready for the day. I'll be meeting Stella and her sister Sloane at a small coffee shop at the end of town. Which is only a 5 minute walk from where poppy and I live. I gave them my phone number so we could keep in touch. I pick out some plain Jean shorts, a dark blue long sleeve and some tan sandals. I don't need to empress anybody. Well.. I don't think I do. I wonder if this is a bad idea. I mean.. I've never meet up with fans before. Poppy has, but I'm a bit socially awkward when it comes to meeting new people face to face. Some fans don't understand why I refuse to go to meet ups. Yes me and poppy make a living off of making YouTube videos and part time jobs, well I should say I do because poppy hasn't had the same job for more then 1 month. Her longest job (for 3 and a half weeks) was working for a radio station. You'd never guess how she got fired. Any guesses?...
Ok I'll tell you. So poppy is the type of person who sleeps around. She wasn't always like this! But she was trying to quit. It would have been a few more days until a month of her not sleeping with anyone. Anyways... She was the co-host person for a radio station a lot of people listened too. So the host was out sick that day and that meant poppy was in charge. I won't go into detail but her and a new guy were 'messing around' while they thought a song was playing. Buttons were pressed. Let's just say pretty much the whole world knew she was back on day one of not sleeping around with anybody.

"Hello, I'm Ed I'll be your waiter for today. How can I help you?" Some guy looking like he's in his late teens early twentys is standing by my table holding a note pad.
"Yea, could I have a double espresso latte." I say looking down at my phone. Sloane and Stella are 10 minutes late. I'm getting inpatient.
Before that Ed guy could write down what I wanted I look up at him and say
"With whipped cream." I look back down at my phone and click on Stella's contact. I may as well see where she is.
"So I like totally told this bitch to meet me and my sister Sloane here." I hear some high pitched giggle outside the door then the coffee shop door opens. Two blondes walk in with skirts, ankle breaking high heals and shirts that show a little too much cleavage.
"You don't even have a sister!" The other one says. they don't see me yet. The taller blonde which I'm guessing is Stella, takes out her ringing phone from her pocket and answers it.
suddenly I heard a very obnoxious hello coming from my phone and from across the room. Holy crap I completely forgot I called her! Withouth thinking I hung up. I look back down as they're walking towards me. They sit down at the set next to me. Omg I'm freaking out. I need to get out of here. I grab my purse and walk out.
"Hey miss your phone!" I hear Ed shout from behind me. Shit! I forgot my phone! I turn back around and just my luck Stella and the other blonde are looking at me. I walk back to Ed who handed my phone to me. Stella gets up and walks towards us. She grabs my double espresso latte...With whipped cream... From eds hand and poured it on me and Ed.
"I knew you were someone's bitch." Stella's friend says while walking out. Stella then pats Ed on the shoulder
"You'll get laid tonight. She's a total slut. Haha!" She says and walks out.
I can't believe she just said that..
"How rude!" Ed says. "Here, follow me to the back" he says taking my hand. I pull away and pause in my spot. I finally seem to notice how hot he is. He's not the tallest man and he doesn't look like he works out much but he has messy ginger hair and blue eyes. I don't know why but that seems to be attractive to me. But I can't let myself get involved in boys. Not after Liam..
"This way." Ed says
"Why?" I say like a stupid lost puppy.
"To get washed up? We both smell like coffee."
Oh right.. Duh. He leads me behind a door, into a hallway, up some stairs I didn't even know existed, into a little room with a bathroom built on. Ed walks in and goes to a beat down looking dresser.
"Im on the go a lot.." Ed starts while searching for some clean clothes. "This is all I need for now."
I don't know this dude. Why is he talking to me?
"Uh... My shorts are still clean so I just n-need a shirt." I say shyly. I just realized I'm in this Ed guys place alone.. I haven't been alone with a guy for over a year. Except Ashton, He's my brother. Me and poppy also party with him.
"Oh, right." Ed says. He hands me a plain blue shirt. "you can go in the bathroom and change if you want."
"Ok. Thanks" I say walking into the bathroom making sure to lock the door behind me. I change and walk back out to see that Ed isn't here.
"I can't believe he left me in this dump place." I mumble to myself.
"I'd like to think it's more of a man cave." I hear a voice behind me. I turn around to see Ed holding out his hand with a drink in it.
"Extra whipped cream!"
"im sorry I didn't know you were..."
"Eh dont worry about it." He says, walking over to the bed. He pats the blankets next to him gesturing for me to sit down. He wants me to sit with him! And to do what? I'm the only one with a drink so what does he plan on doing? I look at him, at the door, take a sip of my drink then look at my feet and say
"Oh I really shouldn't... See my friend has an interview and I need to make sure she gets too it."
That's a good enough excuse.
"Well you can't leave-"
Um excuse me i leave if I want too!
"Without me walking you out!"
"Oh. Ok then let's go." I say. I just want to get out of here. I start walking towards the door when I feel something touch my shoulder. I jump around and Ed pushes me against the wall. I see him glance at my lips. I feel my face heat up as I look down again.
"W-what are you doing?" I stutter
"Testing my theory." He states
He comes in closer so our body's are touching and our faces are inches apart. I'm staring at his lips but not because I want to kiss him but because I'm scared he's going to kiss me.
"You know I didn't even catch your name..."
"It's Everest." I mumble
"Everest, do I make you nervous?" He asks. I just stare at him like he's crazy.
"Haha" he laughs "enjoy your coffee Everest." he leans off me and let's me go.

"Poppy we need to leave now! I can't believe your not up yet!" I yell at her from the kitchen. I take another sip of my coffee. I hear a door open and see poppy stumble out in her pjs.
"I don't wanna." She wines while taking my coffee from my hands and chugging it all in one go.
"Mmmmm whipped cream. By the way you need more coffee. Also, your extremely hot!"
"What?" I say. She hands me the cup.
"I don't want my garbage back!" I walk over and throw it in the trash.
"No dude! Read it!!" Poppy shouts.
I give her a questioning look but decide to pull the cup out of the garbage to find, on the cup are all the words scribbled out except for 3 words. Your extremely hot.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2015 ⏰

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