BT and Izuku's first meeting doesn't go the way one would think it would or well, a robot with past memories being shoved into the mind of a 10 year old goes about as well as one might think.
Cannon is dead here, I pretty much moved events ahead by a year, All Might's in Musutafu for some unknow reason... Probably NightEye's fault.
Because people have expressed some confusion. Izuku is one year older than in the events of canon. He has similar experiences, but he's one year older. Also, Eraser does wtf he wants, expelling a whole heroics course, no problem. though Vlad did agree to it... poor crop of students.
Darkness, the feeling of void space drifting in an endless abyss was all he could feel and visualize. The world around him was cold, dark, and unmoving. 'Where am I?' Came his first cognitive thoughts, followed by such thoughts as.
'What's going on? Why is it so dark? Where am I!?!' Still nothing came, nothing responded to the boy's cries for answers. There was nothing in the dark void he found himself in. Soon enough, he grew colder, no light nor objects pierced his visions of the world before him. But then, just when hope seemed dark something did burst through the abyss.
"Pilot, can you hear me? Jack, are you there? Pilot respond if you can hear me." Came the loud voice of what Izuku could only presume to be that of an A.I. or robot's. There was no emotion behind the words nor did the voice waver in any capacity.
"Hello? Who's there?" Came Izuku's frightened voice.
"State your name stranger?" Came the almost foreboding words of the other being.
"Izuk-Izuku Midoriya." His voice was horse and barely above a whisper but the other seemed to still hear it.
"System override initiated, data transfer complete, connection established." The voice's mechanical side showed through as it called out different orders to itself. Going through a process to perform something.
"Are you-are you my quirk?" His voice was never rising above a whisper as Izuku continued to look out into the abyss trying to understand what was happening.
"Quirk?" A moment passed before "A Quirk, formerly known as a Meta Ability is a superhuman ability that a person can possess. Along with being unique to each user, Quirks are sorted into multiple categories. Quirk users are also limited to one ability and are thus unable to achieve any other." The being thought for a moment, as of course this process was unknown to the boy but it did cognitively think to itself. Processing what was happening.
"I must assume that what you call a quirk in this dimension is an ability passed onto a person? If so, then I am likely your quirk. But how that came to be is difficult for me to process. My data records show that my last mission. Operation Broadsword: where I was destroyed, ended in a success. However I do not know how I am now here, in the mind of a child, it is difficult to calculate or perceive." The voice seemed perplexed, unable to process the events.
"So, what-what do we do?" Izuku asked the ominous voice?
"My protocol has been updated. Not by me nor my command. Protocol states 1. Link To Pilot. 2. Protect the Pilot. 3. Train the Pilot." The voice's flat tone came through Izuku's head with such force that he was now more unsure than before.
"Am I-Am I the Pilot?" 'Pilot of what?'
"It seems that my records state that you are now my Pilot Midoriya." The voice permeated through Izuku's head, diving deep into his thoughts.
Symbol of Justice - Titan Bond
Fanfic"Izuku Midoriya" "Quirk: Titan Bond" "Calls upon the help of the Titan BT-7274, along with displaying great physical strength due to changes in his molecular structure." <---> Izuku Midoriya was abandoned by his mother at the age of 7, at the...