Part 3 - The crew

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The next day he went back to the place where he almost died yesterday. To be honest, he kinda deserved it and he knows that so that's why he's there, to apologize. But as he arrived no one was there, no kids or Miss Dagger, for that part. All he felt was a dagger through his heart and he didn't know why, he just met her. Well he knew why, he just didn't want to admit it. "Doesn't matter, I'll find her later. 

IT dOeSn'T mAtTeR? BOY ISTG- what if she's dead later? Or in jail?  Not like I would know..........🕳 🧑‍🦯- Your Storyteller

"For now, let's begin our actual work here", he mumbled as he walked back to the boat he saw yesterday. When he arrived to the boat, he just started to admire it again. Completely lost in his own world, he didn't notice when suddenly a man walked over from the boat to him. "Hey man, you alright?". The prince quickly regained his composure and looked at the man. He had green eyes, just like Miss Dagger, but a lighter shade. 

I AM VERY ANGerY WITH YOU Mr HENDErSOn *hides rage in the power of author*-Your Storyteller 

"Yes, I was just wonderingif you were needing any crew members. Because if you are then I would be very interested in working here". "Well we have an extra spot as a pirate if you know how to fight", he replied while observing the prince. "Yes I do actually. What's your name?". "Clinton but you can call me Clint. And you?". The prince just thought about it and went with his real name. "Samuel but you can call me Sam". "What's your last name?", Clint now asked. "Henderson", the prince replied. "Wait...aren't you the prince?", Clint realised as he pulled out his sword against the prince's neck. 

Really Henderson? This moron really went there without a weapon? I-  🤡- Your Storyteller

The prince, Sam as we know him now, raised his hands up in defense. "Hey chill man, just because we have the same name doesn't it mean we're the same person". "I mean the kid's right", Clint thought as he sighed while pulling down his sword. "Sorry, I shouldn't just pull out my sword like that". "It's fine, I mean you can't really help your instincts. Besides, what's so wrong with the prince?", Sam now asked. Clint sighed again. "Well it's not him really, more his dad. The king's planning to enslave the entire island". "WHAT?". "You didn't know, kid?". Sam just shook his head. "I found out from one of the guys I trade weapons with. He said that after enslaving us, he was gonna make us work so that we can get them the minerals under the ground. So that THEY can sell it and become richer than they already are. Stupid I know." Sam just nodded and in that moment realised just how a cruel man his father was, but he knew he had to do this. "Oh my God". "I know. Anyways let's get you on the boat and meet the rest of the pirates". 

Sam just nodded and went in with his bags into what was gonna become his room for the next 12 months. "Settle in and I'll get you in 3 hours", Clint said as he left with a smile. 

So far he liked it, but he still felt that pain from earlier when she wasn't there. He started to drift off into fantasies again. About her eyes and how they glowed so mysteriously. How her voice scared but yet intrigued him. He wanted to know her. But maybe this was a one time thing. Maybe it's for the best if they don't meet again. His mind and heart is fighting for different but yet the same thing, happiness. A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts as Clint came in. "Hey let's meet the rest". "Let's do it", Sam said a little proud over starting his mission good. They walked down to the kitchen and Clint introduced Sam to Simon, Tom and George. "Where's Alessandra?". "Well here she comes", Tom said as Alessandra locked eyes with Sam and glared at him. "Guys I'm scared and not for us but for Clint and newbie". "Amen to that, Simon", both Tom and George said. "Miss Dagger?", Sam asked with a mix of nerves and relief. Alessandra just walks slowly to him and *SMACK*. "I guess I deserved that", he said with a chuckle but freezed when he looked into her eyes. He knows he's dead, yet he doesn't move when she pulls out her sword against his neck again. He just gulps and silently prays to God. 

The rest of the crew seems nice *gazes through book* or are they...👀 *panics in storyteller*- Your Storyteller

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry about yesterday and I didn't mean it, except for the part where I said that women tend to talk so that they won't have to deal with stuff because a lot of women", he kept on rambling. He stopped abruptly as he noticed her glare. "Oh shit this isn't helping. So again I'm sorry", he said with a flirty smile. She slowly pulled away the sword from his neck and he breathed out. *SMACK*. Another slap. "Oof big mistake man. The flirty smile, not only bad timing, it doesn't work on her", Simon said. Everyone just looked at him. "What? Let me have this okay", he pouted as Clint just hugged him and caressed his cheek. "You have the AUDACITY to even talk to me after yesterday. Clinton James Carson why is Mr Henderson here?". "Full name I see, I'mma head out you coming Tom?". "Hell yeah aint no way I'm staying here", Tom said as he sprinted out. 

"He's here because he's a part of the team now", Clint said. "Now as much as I would love to see more hot tension-filled drama. What happened?", Simon now asks. "Hot tension?", they exclaimed. "What happened", he asked again. 

*luis mode activated* there was this crowd of kids training and I looked at the teacher and thought "She stupid fine". Anyway so I said to her "They're kids it's dangerous but damn girl if I wanna challenge/kiss you right now" also "You're a woman you can't fight". We fought and I lost somehow, she spared me and some kid said "Kill him". I''m telling you it was scary. - Your Storyteller

"Sam you need to apologize", Clint said. Completely annoyed by their behaviour. "I literally did that before she tried to behead me like a decoration pig", he said. "Well you would fit right in so I dont' see the problem", she said smirking. "Alessandra", Clint said with a stern tone. "No, let's hear him out", Simon now interuppted with his mouth filled with food. "What, I'm in the kitchen. Not my fault they decide to flirt with eachother while I'm eating smh". "Well at least people would want me on their wall. They would pay for me". "That's just sad you know. To only be seen as a possesion and not as a human", she replied with taking a step forward aswell and by now they were almost nose to nose. "Holy shit", Clint and Simon whispered while eating and staring at the 29yr olds. "Better to be a possesion. At least I'm something". Now they were nose by nose. "According to whom?", she said looking him in the eyes. It was now she noticed how blue his eyes were. Like the ocean, she started to get lost in his eyes while he was long lost in hers already. 

Words: 1227 st

A/N: Sup part 3 is finally out and I truly apologize school and life has really been bringing me down and I broke down again after 3 months today so again I'm sorry love you 3000 <3

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