Which To Do? (A/N Sorta)

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Note: I posted this on my AO3 book first, but I'm posting it on here too just in case that one doesn't. get any feedback. 

Also I felt like finally posting this and updating /something/ on my Wattpad account

Also also, Brighter Than the Sun IS being worked on-I'm almost done with the next chapter, just be patient.)


Basically uhh
I'm indescive and dumb
And I don't know what to work on
or to post
but I wanna write and post /something/
I'm gonna leave that up to you guys!

I'll leave a couple options here of some short stories I've been working on so far that's on my Google Docs currently
And I'll also throw in some ideas I have that aren't written yet, but I can work on (well. really it's just. one fleshed out idea, really. but whatever-)
For the ones I'm already writing, I'll give you guys a sneak peak sorta thing
as for the ones I haven't written yet
all you get is the prompt/idea thing

And hey! If any of the ideas somehow inspires you to write your own short story or something, go for it. (Just credit me...if you want to anyway lol. at least give me a link of the fic if you write it cause I'd definitely want to read them ehehe-)

ANYWAY I'll give you guys the ideas then:


[Comfort] (Aiger/Hikaru)

{Basically, remember that episode where Hyuga was just being ru d e to Hikaru and Rantaro talked to him about it?
Well, I'll be writing what might have happened on Hikaru's end.
no this is not an excuse to write Aiger/Hikaru content what are you talking about-) }

(Here is the sneakpeak for that one; It's longer than the others ones after it, but I guess free short fic for you. whatever that means asoihd)



Hikaru walked down the shoreline slowly, dragging the long scroll-like list behind him and leaving a faint trail in the sand with it, along with his footsteps.

All throughout the way, the words Hyuga had shouted at him earlier played in his mind over and over:
"I'm the one battling!!! Not you, Hikaru!!!"
...He tried to not let them get to him. He knew Hyuga was just being a stubborn idiot like always. He just...he didn't understand how hard Hikaru had worked to come up with this plan. He didn't understand how much Hikaru wanted his little brother to win.

And yet...


It still hurt. The reminder that Hikaru had a chance to enter the finals...but he had no control over it. He knew that it was always out of his hands. If Dante and Silas won...he could have made it. But...well, they didn't. Poor Hikaru was forced to drop out anyway.

Hikaru thought he had gotten over it by now. After talking with Honcho, he felt a little better. And when Aiger visited him to try to cheer him up (even though Hikaru was fine at the time), that felt nice.
But now...that hurt came rushing back the moment Hyuga shouted those words. Those words reminded Hikaru that he couldn't do it. Telling him he wasn't strong enough to make it.


Hikaru suddenly found himself on his knees in the sand, pressing the paper against his chest as he fought the urge to cry. A lump formed in his throat. Tears in his eyes.
He wasn't going to cry right now. That would be weak of him. And heroes aren't weak at all, right? They're strong. Strong enough to face anything. He could surely face something as small as this, then.

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