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(ER notes? Not really a story written out just something random lol)
(also warning for. bad art in the beginning A)

"Yo, Hikaru!"

Aiger tried patiently waiting outside the bedroom door, but after not getting a response, he decided maybe he should go inside.
Would it be an invasion of privacy?
Maybe he shouldn't then.
But he couldn't wait any longer. He and Hikaru were going to get in some training together, and Aiger didn't want to pass up an opportunity to spend time with him. 

"Hi, Aiger!" Hyuga had opened up the door for him. 

"Oh! Hey, Hyuga." Aiger tried looking behind the little bamboo shoot to see if his older brother was there. Nope.
"...You lookin' for Hikaru?" Hyuga asked, tilting his head. 
Could he had been any more obvious?
Aiger nervously laughed. "Er, yeah. Is he here?"
Hyuga nodded. "Yup! He's just upstairs working on something. Homework I guess? I dunno."
"Oh, alright. Guess I should come back later-?"
"Nah, it's fine! Come on in!"

Hyuga let Aiger inside and the two sat down on the small couch they had.

After they talked and waited a couple of minutes, Hyuga got up quickly.
"Oh, uh, then you should go do that then." Aiger chuckled. "I'll just wait here for Hikaru." 
"If you want, you can go check up on him yourself! I gotta get going-"
"W-Wait Hyuga I can't just-"

Oh. Too late. The little boy had run off, leaving Aiger all by himself.

Well, not completely by himself. 

Hikaru was just upstairs.

So that's why Aiger was standing in front of Hikaru's door, deciding whether or not to barge on inside.
He sighed. 

"Come on, Hikaru..."

...Still no response. He hadn't gotten one earlier, either.
Was Hikaru okay?...
Now Aiger was worried. What if something happened to Hikaru? 
That decided it.

"Hikaru, I'm coming in!"

Aiger opened the door, mildly surprised that it wasn't locked in the first place. He was grateful, actually. 
It didn't take him very long to find Hikaru. 
He was completely fine after all. But now Aiger knew why he wouldn't respond.
He was sound asleep at his desk, papers scattered all around him.

Aiger sighed in relief, then chuckled as he walked over to him.
"...Geez, you almost gave me a heart attack."

He looked...kind of cute like this, actually. 



Aiger snickered as he pulled out his phone, getting his camera ready.

Would Hikaru kill him for this?

Eh, maybe.

It'd be worth it though.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2021 ⏰

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