A Night To Remember

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Levy flinched at the attack. A small scream had left her mouth but it didn't stay. No, Gajeel was already a step ahead. Levy watched Gajeel who was already badly beaten. The Iron Dragon Slayer wasn't going down so easily was he? Levy didn't want to risk it, she stepped forward and did her best to help.

"Shrimp get down!" Gajeel yelled at her. Levy stood terrified. That blade was faster than she was and Gajeel was too far away. The scream just angered Gajeel further. "Levy!" Gajeel wanted to rush to her but he had to make sure no further damage happened to her. He finally made contact to the pursuer, the thief. How had he let this happen? The man took one hit and was out cold. Lily was getting up. He looked at Gajeel who was rushing to Levy.

"Gajeel...?" Levy spoke softly holding her shoulder just above her heart. It hurt, but she didn't want to seem any weaker than she was. Tears were swelling up in her eyes, the pain was almost unbearable.

"Levy," Gajeel picked her up. Her blood on his clothes, his mind only on getting her help.

"Gajeel, I can go get help." Lily said flying up into the air. "Get her to the motel."

Gajeel nodded and without a second thought ran as fast as he could to the motel the three were staying at while they were away from the guild. Levy had wrapped her arms around Gajeel but she passed out before the reached their room, it was from the pain.

When Levy woke up Gajeel was talking to Lily. She sat up and cried out in pain when she moved her arm. Gajeel turned to her quickly, "You alright, shrimp? You took a pretty bad wound to the shoulder." he had the sound of worry in his voice. Levy could clearly hear it even though he was trying to hide it.

Levy gave him a small smile, "I'm okay, it just hurts." she said. She looked at Lily who had moved to Gajeel's lap. "Lily, are you okay? I noticed you got hit pretty hard back there."

Lily smiled, "It takes more than a small hit to take me down." Levy smiled, she was relieved that her friend was alright. She hid the fact that she was upset for being downed so easily. 

Gajeel glanced between Lily and Levy then got up and stretched. "Well it is getting pretty late and we have to head back to Fairy Tail tomorrow so time for bed." he said. He gave Levy a small smirk and he noticed the surprise in her face from it. Lily didn't seem to notice anything. He walked to couch and laid down while Gajeel went to the bed across from Levy's. 

"Good Night." Levy said quietly. It was nearly a whisper but she knew Gajeel heard her. He turned out the light and fell asleep quickly.

Levy woke up with a nightmare about halfway through the night. She sat up quickly in her bed seeing Lily sleeping on the couch peacefully. She looked over at Gajeel who was hugging his pillow as he slept. She got out of bed and walked to the bathroom to wash her face, there was no way she was falling back asleep.

In the bathroom Levy cleaned herself up a bit. She washed her face and noticed how dirty she actually was. Gajeel and Lily had gotten her fixed up, but they didn't clean her up. She started the shower and undressed slowly to keep the pain minimal. She looked at the bandages over her shoulder, and she slowly peeled them off seeing the stitches in her shoulder. She touched it and sighed. She stepped into the shower.

Levy took longer in the shower than she had planned. "That was fun." she said quietly turning off the newly cold water. She wrapped herself in a towel and started drying her hair with another ignoring the pain in her shoulder as she did so, then she heard the bathroom doorknob begin to turn. She froze as Gajeel opened the door.

"L-Levy?!" he said with a surprised look. She blushed brightly, "What are you doing up so early?" he was slightly embarrassed and was turning around.

"I could ask you the same question." she said grabbing her clothes. She quickly got dressed and touched Gajeel's shoulder. "Why are you awake?" she asked quietly.

He glanced back at her, "I noticed you weren't in bed and I thought I'd look around for you. I got...worried." he looked away and walked out of the bathroom. Levy followed him turning off the bathroom light.

"Gajeel..." Levy said but trailed off when he looked at her. She looked away quickly to notice Lily was no longer on the couch. He wasn't even in the motel. She sighed and sat on the couch.

Gajeel watched Levy closely then joined her on the couch where he lounged beside her. "You should get more sleep, shrimp." he said quietly. He yawned and pulled her closer. Her heart picked up pace as she hugged him and closed her eyes, "You'll be safer right here." he yawned again and closed his eyes. Levy didn't have another nightmare that night.

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